They didn't die in vein

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Everyone walked outside. We saw Voldemort and the Death Eaters walking towards us. Hagrid was with them. He held someone in his arms.

"Who is that? Hagrid's carrying?" Ginny asked. I walked beside her, Neville and Mr. Weasley. The students, teachers, Dumbledore's army and the Order was behind us.

"Irina. Who is it?" Ginny asked. The problem was I didn't know.

"Harry dead!" Voldemort shouted.

"No! No!" Me and Ginny shouted.

Ginny and me tried to run towards Harry, but Mr. Weasley grabbed us.

"Harry!" I shouted.

"Silence!" Voldemort shouted.

I wrapped my arms around Ginny and comforted her. It seemed like my world had turned upside down. My Godbrother is dead, but I had to stay strong. For Ginny.

Ron, Hermione, Mrs. Weasley, Seamus, Cho, the twins, Sirius and Remus walked towards us until we were beside each other.

"Stupid girls", Voldemort said. I glared at him. "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me. Harry Potter is dead!"

The Death Eaters laughed. Voldemort joined in on the laughter. My glare grew intense.

"And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us", Voldemort said. "Or die".

No one moved. "Draco", Lucius Malfoy said. I turned around to see Draco standing next to the entrance of the castle. He stood beside Luna.

Draco didn't move. "Draco", Narcissa said. "Come".

Draco walked towards them. He looked at me as he walked past me.

"No. Draco don't", I said. Draco looked at me sadly before he continued walking towards the Death Eaters. "No. No. Draco. Draco no!" I tried to run towards him, but my father and my godfather grabbed me.

"Ah! Well done, Draco", Voldemort said. "Well done".

Draco walked towards his parents. Voldemort looked at me and smirked. "Well, I'm sure there are other friends you can replace him with", he said. "Of course, not Harry Potter". The Death Eaters laughed. I glared at them. Neville took a few steps forward. He was limping.

"Neville?" I asked.

"Well I must say I had hoped for the better", Voldemort said. The Death Eaters laughed. "And who might you be, young man?"

"Neville Longbottom", Neville said. The Death Eaters laughed.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks", Voldemort said.

"I'd like to say something", Neville said.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'll all be fascinated to hear what you have to say".

"Doesn't matter that Harry's gone".

"Stand down, Neville", Seamus said.

"People die everyday", Neville said. "Friends, family. Yeah. We lost Harry tonight. He's still with us. In here".

"And so's Maya", I said as I walked towards Neville. I grabbed his hand.

"Yeah. All of them. They didn't die in vein", Neville said. He looked at Voldemort. "But you will. Cause you're wrong! Harry's heart did beat for us! For all of us!"

I took a few steps back as Neville pulled out a sword.

That's my boyfriend.

Harry's body dropped out of Hagrid's arms. Harry stands up.

He's alive!

"Potter!" Draco shouted. As he ran past Harry, he threw Harry's wand to him. Harry shoots a charm at the Death Eaters.

Me and my friends and the Order smiled. "Yes!" I shouted.

A lot of Death Eaters departed. Everyone on my side ran into the castle. I stood where I was.

"Yes! Yes! Prepare to die in vein, sucker! You lose! You lose! You're not even dead and you've lost! Ha ha!" I shouted.

The twins had to grab me and bring me inside. We still have a chance.

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