15 - Weird Feelings

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It was night and the dragonets were going to sleep.
The SkyWing queen went to them right before they entered the chamber and smiled politely, calling them to her as she quickly promised to not keep them away from the bed for too long, she was pretty tired herself thanks to Burn's babbling about Chameleon being the perfect specimen for her museum (and she wasn't safe yet, since Burn and Moorhen were sleeping in her palace that night).

<< I'm sorry to disturb you, little ones. >>
<< Oh, there's no problem, Your Majesty, what can we do for you? >>

Asked Starflight bowing his head.

<< You see, this war is not going to stop so soon and me and my friends are getting worried, since your training got interrupted, I'd like to help you and teach you what your kidnappers didn't. >>

The dragonets exchanged uncertain looks.
They almost forgot about the war, enjoying the peace and happiness of being like any other dragonet their age after all those years trapped in a cave and treated like punching bags.

<< I know you probably don't want to hear about this thing and you don't know Princess Blaze and Princess Blister, but I swear on my own throne, we're going to help you and you won't suffer again, I'll show you how good my allies are and the right way to follow in this conflict. >>

Continued the queen and Tsunami finally decided to interrupt her with a respectful gesture of the head.

<< My queen, your words are gentle and your intentions are really admirable, but we'd like to think about it first. >>
<< Oh, no problem... >>

Smiled Scarlet.
The answer was expected, yet it was still annoying for her to not get the results she hoped right away.

<< ... you have all the time to think about this, it's an important decision the one you must face at such a young age, I wish you to find in the night the answer you need. >>

The queen then wished the dragonets a good night and went back to her chamber, leaving the five young dragons to go into their one with a Peril on their tails as she had been invited for a slumber party.

<< So, what do you think? >>

Asked the SkyWing as the others lied down, Clay gesturing for her to sleep near him and she wasn't going to say "No".

<< I don't know. I mean, I want to stop this war, but how can we be one-hundred percent sure that Princess Burn is the right queen for the SandWings? We should meet Blister and Blaze. >>
<< Yeah, I'm sure they'll be happy to talk with us now that their enemy helped us. >>

Said Tsunami sarcastically.

<< But Sunny's right, we can't choose a dragoness as a queen just because she's helping us. >>
<< I know Glory, but how can we get to know them? >>

The RainWing thought about it for a minute, her camuflage ability could have been helpful to mimic another dragon and infiltrate the other princesses' allies', but she didn't want to go alone in such a dangerous mission.

<< Maybe we could invite them to a meeting and take some guards with us... >>

Started Clay.

<< ... after all we know Morrowseer and the other NightWings are a danger to the RainWings' Tribe, if we stop them, the RainWings could help us and their abilities could be really useful. >>
<< It's not a bad idea, after all the RainWings didn't join the war, they don't have allies and enemies except queen Battlewinner and helping us to stop the war can be only good for them too. >>

The dragonets fell silent again.
Peril wanted to help them, but she didn't know what could have been useful to them except the things they were already proposing.

<< I could come with you, I'm a good bodyguard and a fighter. >>

Proposed the SkyWing as the others smiled gently but unsure of what to say.

<< You're really kind Peril, but it can be far more dangerous than fighting in a arena. >>

Said Clay smiling gently, but Peril wasn't ready to desist that easily from her own plan.
"I spent all my life fighting, I can do it!"
As she was going to speak again, Starflight interrupted her with a smile and a: << Well, we can think about it tomorrow, after a good night of sleep we'll be able to take the right decision >>.

<< You're right, trying to think about anything serious right now will take us anywhere. >>

Yawned Glory.

<< Alright, good night everyone. >>

The dragonets went to sleep.
All but Peril, still thinking about how she could convince the others to take her with them, or better, how she could convince Clay to take her with him.
"Why do I feel like this?"
Experiencing for the first time a sincere friendship and a crush after years of fighting and killing, she felt like she couldn't even think straight as that strange feeling of attachment and interest for that single MudWing confused her. After all she was a killer, a monster for many of her own kind and she was trained to be nothing that the cold-blooded Scarlet's champion, even if the queen had been acting much more gently and warm towards her lately, she wasn't sure her maternal figure would have approved of those feelings.
"Why life has to be so complicated?"
First, Queen Scarlet started to be more caring and acting more like a mother while her actual one was an evil heartless dragoness, then she started to feel in that strange way about a younger dragon she never knew before a day or two.
"It was all easier when I was studying with Osprey... yes... maybe Osprey can help me!"
The old SkyWing lawyer had been her only friends before the Dragonets of Destiny came to the palace and he took care of her and her education, he would have been able to help for sure.
"Tomorrow I'll go to him."

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