20 - A Flaw in the Plan

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"This better be important..."
Blister wasn't exactly a big fan of the ocean.
Sure, even for a SandWing fresh water was important, especially in the heat of the desert, but when it came to meet her SeaWing ally, she would always ask Queen Coral to come to her and rarely visited her palace under the water. She hated to admit it, but in the deep and cold water, she felt too vulnerable, like an hatchling without a parent to look over her. She couldn't see, the pressure and the cold water made her feel like a giant paw was squeezing her and she felt slow and goofy compared to the SeaWings escorting her.
But to keep her allies happy and their collaboration going, visiting a a deep ocean full of strange creatures or an island with an active volano and an almost-unbreathable air were necessary trips she would force herself to go on.
"I'm still going to have my lungs destroyed. Smoke or water isn't that different."

<< Queen Coral is ready to receive you. >>
<< She called me here after all... >>

Blister played no attention to the guard's annoyed expression, she wasn't there to talk gently to some soldier after all.
She entered the room where the Royal SeaWings Council held their meetings, looking at the room with interest as she had never been in there before.
"This is actually pretty nice, those fish-lizards have some taste at least."

<< Ah, my dear Blister! Please, take a seat. >>

Said Coral, sitting in her spot with a strange expression, it was like she was sorry for something and the SandWing quickly hid her nervous glare.
"If she feels sorry for something, that whatever happened might ruin everything."

<< Would you like something to eat? The squids are delicious. >>
<< Thank you... >>

Blister took a squid and quickly swallowed it in one motion.

<< ... but I'd like to know why you asked to come with such an urgency. Has something happened? >>
<< It's about my daughter. >>

Anemone quickly hid behind her mother as the other princess's cold eyes turned to her.
"Please, tell me you dumb fish didn't start caring about the risks of losing her soul..."

<< What about Princess Anemone? >>
<< Oh, I'm sorry. I meant my missing daughter, the one a traitor named Webs stole from me when she was still in the egg. I found her. >>
<< Really?! That's magnificent! It will be an honor to meet her my friend, I'm so happy for you! >>

"You made me dive in this hellish hole, for your brat?!"
She felt a strong need to choke the queen in front of her, bit that expression on her face left her feeling more nervous than angry.

<< Forgive me, my dear Coral, but you don't look happy. >>
<< Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm relieved to know she's alive. Bit her current location might force me to make some... changings and I wish you help to avoid those. >>
<< Tell me everything dear. I can't help you if I don't know what you're talking about. >>

Blister looked around the room again.
All of the council's members were present and some guards were there as well.
"Are they worried I might attack Coral?"
Even if what the SeaWing queen was going to say would have made her that mad, the princess knew better than attacking someone with an animus literally tied to herself. Anemone might have been a whiny wimp (at least for Blister's standards) too scared to lose herself for exploring her powers, but every dragon who was in danger or saw their beloveds in trouble would defend themselves and the others, she was at risk.
"And even if I killed both, I couldn't leave this place alive."

<< A few days ago, your sister, Princess Burn, came to talk to me. >>

Blister held back a growl.
"That disgusting, despicable..."

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