Forgetting...(angst warning.)

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D. Keith's POV:

it hurts...

Why does it hurt...

Who were they...

My head...

It's in my head...

Get it out!

I'm f-forgetting them again...


It's too far past that point...


The darkness...

The fog...


It's all in my head...

H-he's looking after me right?


Who is he again?

It hurts...

It's warm...

"He's burning up!"

"Get him to recovery girl!"

Th-those voices...

Who were they again...?

"It's going to be okay, you can get through this."

"I'm sorry Keith..."


Is that my name?

Their dead...

Why though...

Your fault!

Your fault!

Your fault!

Make it stop...

I-I can't breath!

I shuddered as I grasped my chest tightly panting for air that wouldn't come, a silent scream escaping my throat.

Something stung as my arm was jostled and I quietly cried someone was shouting from outside the room.

C. Picos POV: "you have to let me in there!" I shouted as I tried to forcefully open the door separating me from Keith.

Eventually they relented and I rushed into the room to see Keith rolling on the ground ripping at his hair as his face began to turn blue.

I came to his side crying as I held him close my wings closing around us, frightened as I tried to get him to breath.

The others rushed in as they realized something was wrong and they hooked something up to his bed.

They quickly plucked him from my arms and I frantically reached after them my wings flailing open.

I was quickly instructed to leave the room but I objected.

"No wait, please! You have to let me stay! Can't you see he's suffering?!" I cried as my wings closed around me again.

In a cloud of feathers they finally managed to grab onto me and drag me out of the room.

The other kids looked at me sympathetically as I was put down and I immediately tried to rush back into the room but they closed the door behind them locking me outside.

I banged on the door my wings outstretched menacingly.

Multiple kids stood back to avoid my fury while others weren't so lucky.

Kota and Shinso were two of them as they were smacked into the walls by the force of my wings opening.

After several minutes of banging I fell to my knees my wings dropping in defeat as tears ran down my face.

I eventually stood up and went towards my room, those who tried to talk to me received a harsh glare in return.

I winced at the itching feeling in my feathers and sighed as I reached up to preen them.

Several minutes had passed and now blood and feathers lay on the floor from my preening session.

I had ripped those feathers out in anger and now needed to bandage my damaged wings.

Hawks tried to come into my room to comfort me and I snarled at him till he backed away.

When Aizawa came into the room I practically flew into his arms, asking him what was going on in there, and if Keith was okay.

He looked at me solemnly, and I pulled back with a face of fear.

"The good news is that he's breathing, but I'm not sure if he'll wake up. His dementia shut down his ability to breath normally, he's not gonna make it at this stage." He told me and I started to cry again.

He gently led me out of my room.

"You can see him if you want to." He told me and I nodded slowly with my eyes to the floor.

When he opened the door and I saw my best friend hooked up to life support I pretty much lost it and ran forwards, throwing myself into his bedsheets and cried pleading and begging for him to wake up and at least show me that he was alive.

No response...

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