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((Now you must all be wondering how C. Keith lost control in the beginning, well here's a filler chapter for you.))

C. Keith's: I woke up with a pounding headache, shaking slightly from the strain of moving after being still for so long. My bones creaked and I looked down to see my corruption was nowhere in sight.

"Wh-what..." I said looking at myself in confusion feeling for any sign of the corruption that had been controlling me moments before, maybe more.

"You're lucky we're even alive." A voice said at the back of my mind startling me and almost making me fall.

Feeling a sting I saw an IV in my arm the bag now empty I looked at it perplexed at why it was there.

I then remembered what had been happening to me before this whole mess.

I awoke to an unfamiliar room, as I looked around I noticed it was empty but it clearly had been full of people before.

I winced as a headache formed and I decided to get a glass of water so I walked to where I presumed the washroom was. Opening the door I was face to face with a large mirror as big as a person and my reflection staring back at me.

Suddenly it tilted its head to the side and gave me a wide smile, impossibly wide...

I pulled away as a hand reached through the mirror and wrapped around my wrist I pulled back as it dragged me forwards.

But the sudden movement knocked me off balance as it dragged me through the surprisingly liquid like surface.

Another arm wrapped around my chest and pulled me close to the other me inside the mirror, I looked up and choked a gasp to see a dark version of me smirking down as the darkness of it started to swamp out my light.

I looked back at the mirror only to see myself staring at the mirror as darkness spread at my fingertips I struggled harder as I reached out towards the mirror.

Kicking the imposter away I ran to the mirror not realizing that the corruption was still spreading, on the outside anyone would think I had never seen a mirror before.

But as my fingertips brushed its surface, it was too late the corruption completely covered me and made me freeze then fall to my knees coughing violently.

The corrupted self stomped on the ground as a pair of chains wrapped around my wrists, I glared at him as he left the mirror trapping me there.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me, it was all too familiar. Somebody... anyone... if you can hear me... help...

I won't leave you here like this!

My breathing hitched as I remembered the third voice.

Who was that person?!

I looked to my right to see... myself? Honestly not the weirdest thing to see here.

He was hooked up to a ventilator and that got me worried as I attempted to stand and go to his side.

His hair was ruffled and he looked tired, he wasn't breathing.

I could tell that from the lack of the gentle rise and fall in his chest.

Universes calling (a former FNF MHA crossover. This book is now mine.)Where stories live. Discover now