Beginning of arc two, the wait is over...

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Oblivion absentmindedly toyed with the shadows in the void but soon he started to notice something slithering beneath the surface, soon enough a long tail sprang from the surface and wrapped around him in a tight embrace. He yelped fighting off exhaustion but the coils were too tight. They wrapped him tighter and he winced pawing futilely at the constricting embrace, the rest of the being slowly rose from the void. His struggles grew even more futile as his gaze was captured by the eyes of the beast. It rose from the void staring deep into his eyes, seeming pleased with his fear it looped around him again binding his arms and leaving only his shoulders free. He fought the exhaustion that was a drawback of his power recognizing the threat but no matter how hard he fought, his attacker wouldn't let go. "C-chaos?" he murmured in confusion but a shushing noise from the god of entropy silenced him. Chaos laughed softly and hugged him closer wrapping its tail around his body fully. "Oh god of death, you are a fool..." Chaos chirped nuzzling Oblivions head. Oblivion wiggled in their hold again trying to get away but the grasp was too strong, too tight, too... his thoughts blurred. Chaos' snout seemed to warp into a grin and soon a huge amount of cards rose from the void below moving around them in a circle, the number was uncountable.

"Do you know what these are?" Chaos inquired and something about the cards seemed familiar but couldn't register in my head. Soon they started to slowly turn showing their faces in his direction, all of them showed the Ace of hearts and suddenly it registered, the Ace of hearts, the death card or corruption. The one that brought chaos, that brought death, the one who caused pain, fear and anger. His breath caught in his throat, his mind reeling he wanted to get away but he could not move as they all drew close. Chaos hummed amused, "What do you think?"
His mind raced to escape as the cards all suddenly merged together into the shape of a human heart, his chest ached reminding him of the absence of his own. "Don't worry..." Chaos purred, "we're just helping you." Oblivion wriggled again but the heart came closer and he felt his chest opening, begging him to take it in.

As the heart filled the void in his chest he screamed as it burned behind his ribs and he cried out in agony. Suddenly he was dropped by the god of entropy he felt his soul shudder in pain but soon he felt the fire dissipate. "You don't wanna miss it. Soon we will spread our fire through the universe." Darkness enveloped him and his heart went quiet. Then soon a feeling started to flood him, it was darkness, creeping and suffocating like the night itself. He could feel every shadow and every part of the void. It filled the spaces between the stars, the blackness stretched endlessly and he found his way back to the abyss where his heart sat. He reached up and plucked it from the abyss and that's when he realized what the feeling was... passion. A smile cut across his lips, it started out small then grew till it stretched wide across his face.

He reached his hand back down towards the abyss and this time he pulled up an entire tree with roots stretching as far as infinity. The roots curled themselves around the tree, he lifted the tree high into the sky and held his new treasure aloft as laughter bubbled out of his lips. In his hand the tree crumbled into ash, the fabric of the void shook with newfound power, as his laughter turned maniacle, he felt insane and he loved it. But somewhere deep inside he knew, this was wrong, this was evil, this was why he was locked away.

Universes calling (a former FNF MHA crossover. This book is now mine.)Where stories live. Discover now