Is there still hope?:

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Shiggy's POV: I was leading the league of villains to UA to form a plan as how to stop the greater threats coming our way. I felt like a large shadow was hanging over my shoulders as we continued stealthily.

We were unaware of two large pairs of eyes watching us I sighed as we rounded a corner and saw the school.

Suddenly I heard a loud crash echo from behind our group and two pairs of hands grabbed my arms and pinned them behind my back, I glared at my attackers but they were people I didn't recognize.

A demon like creature stared back it's purple eyes giving me a harsh look. The other attacker I recognized from Togas description, said person was trying to pull them away from me I yelled at her and Dabi to go and get help.

They stopped uncertain then ran back to the school, the demon like creature had a red aura surrounding it, I struggled to get away as it came closer, till finally I broke free and bolted towards the back gate.

I heard the sound of slashing claws and searing pain ripped across my back I bit back a harsh cry as Toga and Dabi pulled me through the gates quickly. I turned back to look and saw the demon smirking at me as the door closed, the other was nowhere in sight.

I sighed and slid to the floor only now feeling the pain in my wrists from their harsh grips. Toga and Dabi stood at my sides as though to ward off any attackers.

The sound of crashing burst through the hallway as the entrance door opened to reveal Izuku and a Keith this one had a small halo on his head, they were panting for air as they slammed the door shut only now noticing us, the Keith seemed wary. But Izuku ran forwards and got worried when he saw me in the sorry state I was in.

One of my eyes was now a dark lavender but I didn't notice it yet till Izuku pointed it out I almost growled then covered my mouth realizing what I did Izuku pulled out a mirror and I saw I also now had sharp fangs starting to grow in white specks were also covering my skin I reeled back in shock I looked at my hands to see black specks starting to cover them as well. I saw my ruffled hair and spotted two horn like structures starting to grow in they were curved back like dragon horns but curled in like a demons.

Toga and Dabi were worried for me and the Halo Keith came towards me holding out his hands as they started to glow with white energy. At this point the skin on my chest neck and arms was starting to look like fur while the rest of me appeared almost scaly.

As his hands touched my shoulders slightly the area on those portions appeared to heal over I sighed in relief but I knew the damage inside couldn't be undone but the wound on my back had finally closed, my chest portion developed an armored structure as did my wrists and the top portions of my legs. I moved them experimentally and found I wasn't stiff at all, heh, protective and flexible. I thought as I looked at the others, they smiled as they brought me into the main hall, I was still limping slightly and my back felt sore but overall I was okay.

The other students looked at us with worry but overall left us alone my appearance now was of a white draconian creature with black hands and claws, I did look cool I must admit. I took a huff of breath, wondering if I could breath fire but all that came out was a puff of smoke that left me coughing.

I touched my sleeve and found I could still disintegrate things but I had better control. The Violet in my other eye was gone, now replaced with a bright red like it was before. I saw the two Picos standing outside the infirmary talking quickly in hushed voices and I walked over to them, they noticed it was me by my familiar red eyes.

They appeared confused my my appearance but payed it no mind as they let me through the door, then led me to the two occupied beds, when I saw my new buddy resting there with a bloody bandage around his head I nearly broke down then and there. His bird was in a cage beside his bed looking at him with worry, when the two Picos saw my face and how it was masked over with sorrow the one with wings rushed over to support me as I nearly collapsed.

I was startled as I heard a quiet yet achingly familiar voice singing inside my mind I still couldn't put my finger on it but I broke down either way. Feeling it cry out to me I just didn't want to take it anymore as I covered my ears folding over.

Universes calling (a former FNF MHA crossover. This book is now mine.)Where stories live. Discover now