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D. Keith's POV: ow geez you didn't need to pinch me that hard!

How on earth would I do that!

Wait you don't have a physical form, if so then who?

Hey you do know I'm also in here, right.

Who the hell are you?!

You guys really though you were alone in this body sadly little shitface over there was ignoring me.

Wait, Ven! Is that you, it's been so long!

Shut the hell up —————— I'm still mad at you!

Um guys.


Somebody's here.




"Huh, what?" I said as I slowly opened my eyes.

"Oh my goodness your alive! I thought you had died! It's just, after the surgery you didn't—" Pico said hugging me tightly.

"Wait, wait, woh woh woh. What surgery, what even happened to me?" I asked the ginger haired boy.

"You... you don't remember?" He said stuttering slightly with a sad expression.

——— Dun dun DUN! TBC ———

Universes calling (a former FNF MHA crossover. This book is now mine.)Where stories live. Discover now