It's Finally out yay!

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C Keith (Or whatever you want to call him.)'s POV: That blasted mirror! I thought with an angry shake to my head, the others were still asleep and I could sense the damned thing was nearby. I'm going to end this once and for all!

I got up from the hospital bed I had clearly been lying in for a while, swinging my legs to the side considering the ground for a moment I jumped down. As I made my way down the hall slightly stumbling I noticed some people were giving me weird looks; But I brushed them aside in my anger as I pulled the door open as it lead to the mirror I had been trapped in before.

Seeing the thing made me even more angry as my hand clenched into a fist. "Why did you trap me there!" I yelled; But when no response came I pulled my fist back and plunged it into the center of the mirror it shattered on impact as I jumped back to avoid the shards they suddenly reshaped into octagon patterns becoming much larger and as I crumpled into a ball they slammed together becoming a shield while a giant shockwave slammed into them, making them rumble and crack but not shatter again.

As I got up I put my hand against one of the parts in wonder as it opened up letting me out as I went to renter the hospital wing I suddenly felt as though an invisible arrow pierced my heart, tugging something loose. I felt lightheaded as I dropped to the ground the door behind me was shut as I dizzily tried to go towards it, I noticed a small cut in my arm. Damn it, one of those things must have hit me! I thought in alarm feeling even more weary as I grabbed a wall for support.

This feels strangely nice, no I don't like this what did that shard do to me?! I panicked as my thoughts were growing muddled in my head I was finally at the door and as I moved to open I felt a coursing pain in my heart at this point, slight black stains appearing on my wings, horns, tips of my hair, arms and legs as I blacked out.

I was now traveling along a path, why turn back, I can't leave this place.

That's not true!!! There was that voice again, I turned around to see the kid from the hospital chasing me desperately, angel wings and a halo adorned them as they stumbled.

Why are you following me, you know I can't go back there! So why! I snarled at them in anger. They went silent for a few moments.

*sigh.* it's because I care about you. That comment made me freeze, listen I know if you don't want to go back there, I won't force you; but I'll be there every step of the way... I turned in his direction and saw that tears were starting to form in his eyes an orphaned puppy look starting to morph there, he fell to his knees, wings drooping, and started crying. I felt guilty for a moment then made up my mind, I ran back over to him and enveloped him into a hug.

Then we stepped forward into the path again and light enveloped us.

Thank you... I thought. The stars sure are beautiful tonight... were my last thoughts as we faded away.

(I don't know about you but I don't want these beans to die! Who's with me!?)

Universes calling (a former FNF MHA crossover. This book is now mine.)Where stories live. Discover now