time machine

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Exiting the car, I looked up at the house I had spent hours in every day when I was a child. I had no idea how Caroline had convinced me to come back after all these years, but I guess there was always a part of me that had missed this little town. I closed the boot of the taxi, suitcase in hand as I heard Caroline squeal, running out of the front doors to meet me.

"Mita! I can't believe you're actually back." She immediately wrapped me into a hug, squeezing me a little bit harder than comfortable. 

I smiled awkwardly, my discomfort showing through my voice. "Me neither!"

She quickly let me go, stepping back and looking me up and down. "You look different." 

"The last time you saw me in person I was 13, Care."

"Still! Your hair is brown now! Did you dye it?" I laughed, shaking my head.

"No, it just grew out brown. Believe me, I miss the blonde too." Both of us laughed together before Elizabeth came outside, smiling at me.

"Look at you! So grown up!" I smiled, wrapping the woman in a hug. "How's your mother? She doing ok?" I nodded.

"She told me to send you her love. Thank you so much for letting me stay here." 

The woman laughed. "It's the least I could do for my favorite niece."

We let go of the hug, Caroline grabbing my suitcase that was at my side before all of us started heading to the front door. 

I entered, taking a deep breath and spinning in a circle. "This place hasn't changed one bit." I bent down, looking at the little crayon drawings on the wall beside the front door. "Not even these little guys." 

I heard Caroline chuckle beside me before seemingly disappearing behind me. I looked around, spotting her in her bedroom, which now had an extra bed in it. I went into the room, noticing how squished it was.

"I promise I'll get my own place as soon as I've settled. I've got some money saved from back home so I'll find an apartment or something." Caroline shook her head, laughing.

"Believe me, I'm never home as it is. You're fine to stay here as long as you're in Mystic Falls." 

I smiled at her. "That was oddly ominous, but thank you."

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

"Get up, we're going." I looked up at Caroline from the comfort of my new bed.

"Going where exactly?" 

Caroline looked shocked before sighing. "Senior prank night? Duh. Our senior year starts tomorrow and although you've only just got here we're starting this year off with a bang. Elena and Bonnie are gonna be there and I know how much you missed them." 

I scoffed at the statement. Elena and I were the closest two friends could be up until a week before I moved. We got into an argument, and since we were both stubborn and both of us wouldn't admit to being wrong, I moved and never heard from her again. All over who would take Matt to the carnival pop-up that never ended up happening. I would love to see Bonnie again, though. She and I kept in touch almost as much as Caroline and I have, and that's saying a lot.

"As long as my hands don't get covered in super glue or my shoes stabbed by forks, I'll come." I saw Caroline's smile grow as she grabbed my hand, almost yanking it out of its socket as she went towards the car, the back seat already packed with supplies.

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

(I know literally every klaus fic starts with this scene I'm sorry)

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