i'm not angry anymore

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"Good morning, love." 

I raised my hand, wiping my eyes before looking at Klaus, who sat at the end of the sofa I was asleep on. "Morning." I moved to stand up, a wave of nausea hitting me like it did every morning. Klaus immediately noticed, grabbing the vase from yesterday and holding it out for me. My stomach emptied into it once more, Klaus doing his best to hold my hair out of the way. I wiped my mouth before looking up at him. "I'm sorry, this is so gross."

He shook his head. "It's nothing you can help, love. There's no need to apologize. It's probably because nobody's going to risk feeding you while you're in here with me."

I nodded. "I'll try to talk to Caroline whenever she gets here. Ask her for something to eat." I settled back into my place on the sofa, Klaus looking at me expectantly. "What?"

"Are you not going to get mad at me?"

"For what?"

"Compelling you last night."

I laughed slightly, shrugging. "I've learned to stop expecting apologies from you. It's been almost three weeks since you killed Carol, and the first time I saw you was when you were busting Stefan for trying to sneak out of your sister's bed."

I watched him think for a few moments before replying. "I would've apologized if you asked."

"I shouldn't have to ask, Nik. You knew I was upset by it, and you didn't even try to talk to me. I sat along for two weeks trying to wrap my head around it before Rebekah came back to town and took my mind off it."

I watched him ponder for a moment. "If it is really that important love, then I apologize for killing Carol. And I apologize for hurting you."

I pursed my lips, looking at him for a few seconds. "Thank you." He went to reply, but I quickly reached for the vase, my stomach hurling into it once more. I wiped my mouth once more. "Jesus, I'm so sick of this illness."

"How long have you been ill?"

"I've thrown up every morning for the last like 10 days. I'm sure it's just stress or something."

I watched his expression turn questionable before he was interrupted by the door opening. Caroline and Tyler entered, the blonde holding a laptop while Tyler held what I assumed to be the sword wrapped in a sheet. "Oh my god, Caroline. You're okay!"

She smiled at me before setting her things down on the table, Klaus smirking to Tyler. "Well, Tyler. Come to show how laughably impotent you are against me?"

The younger hybrid walked in front of the border, beginning to mess with the sheet the covered the sword. "I'm just trying to help my friends find the cure." He removed the sword from the sheet, a smug look on his face. "Found this in your attic."

Klaus stood up. "And you think finding the sword brings you closer to the cure?"

"You tell me." Tyler took a few steps closer to the border as if to show Klaus something. "I was playing around with the handle on the way over, and I found this." I watched as he unwrapped the leather on the handle, it revealing a sort of code.

"Woah." I stood up, walking as close to the sword as I could before the border stopped me.

Klaus had a smug look on his face. "And what do you think this is?"

Caroline shot up, joining us. "It's called a cryptex." I watched Tyler look at her, dumbfounded. "I've seen the Da Vinci Code. You turn the different sides to the different symbols to get the translation on the other side. And with the magic of the internet," She returned to where her things were, grabbing a few sheets of paper. "Elena sent over these." She showed the papers, them being images of Jeremy's tattoo. "So now all we have to do is cryptex away." She sat down in front of her laptop, looking over at Klaus and me. "If you happened to want to help, we wouldn't stop you."

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