sex money feelings die

452 13 4

I looked at myself in the mirror, my makeup smudged and a ripped sheet covering my naked body. I ran a hand over the bite marks that covered me, a stray tear leaving my eye as I realized what had happened. I allowed myself to lose my virginity through some anger-fueled sex. I took a deep breath before looking at Klaus, who was still sleeping soundly in the bed behind me. I blinked away the tears in my eyes before stepping outside the room, making a call.


"Amity, I really don't want to talk to you right now."

"Caroline, please. I was a huge bitch last night, and I'm so sorry, but I did something really bad last night, and I really need to talk to my favorite cousin about it." My voice began to waver at the end of my sentence, making Caroline's tone grow concerned.

"Mita, what's wrong?" I looked inside the room, noticing Klaus beginning to stir.

"Can I meet you somewhere?"

"Of course. Come over to my place and we can talk on the way to school."

"Thank you." She hung up the phone and I quickly made my way to my own room, throwing on the quickest thing I could before tiptoeing down the stairs and entering the car.

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

"You what?!" 

"I didn't plan to! I was just so mad after our argument and I wanted to get my mind off it, and it just happened." I frowned, looking down at my feet.

"It's okay, Amity. This isn't anything to be upset about." I looked back up at Caroline, sadly smiling before Bonnie walked up to us, looking surprised to see me.

"Amity, you're actually here!" She wrapped me in a hug, making me genuinely smile as she stepped back. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"

I laughed slightly. "Yeah, same. Just so much drama at the moment."

Caroline cleared her throat, getting both Bonnie and I's attention before she spoke up. "Did you guys know Elena moved away from Jeremy? She's staying at the Salvatore house."

My eyes widened slightly. "There's got to be something weird going on there, right? She's like obsessed with Damon ever since she became a vampire."

"Like you can talk, Mita. You're obsessed with Klaus."

I rolled my eyes. "Not fair, Caroline."

"Yeah, Care. Amity's not obsessed with Klaus." She looked over at me. "Right?"

I nodded as a reply, turning my attention to Elena who was now walking down the hallway towards us. "Hey, Elena." She smiled at me as she came to a stop in front of us.

"Is everything okay?" Bonnie spoke with genuine concern, making confusion lace Elena's features.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"

Bonnie took a slight breath before answering. "Caroline told me you had to move out to stay away from Jeremy."

"Matt's at the house staying with him right now," She looked around for eavesdroppers before continuing. "To make sure he keeps all of his hunter's stuff in control. He's okay."

"But are you?" Caroline spoke with urgency before I carried on.

"I mean, clearing they don't have a flat iron at Hotel Salvatore." Caroline nudged me.

"Harsh, Mita."

Elena reached up to her hair before responding. "I was in a rush. I mean--" She began to release the messy bun. "Look, do you girls have any plans tonight? I'm in desperate need of some girl talk."

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