my kind of woman

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"Amity, dear." I looked up to Esther from the comfort of my bed, attempting to read her expression. "Come with me." She began walking away and I quickly left my bed, throwing a hoodie over myself before following down the hall to the study, which was empty. "I've watched you from the other side ever since you arrived back in Mystic Falls, and I must say you are quite the lovely young woman. Somehow, you've made Niklaus a better person." I looked down.

"I'm sure that isn't as a result of me, it's just Nik being better." I heard the woman chuckle.

"In the thousand years I have been watching him, I have never seen him this infatuated with anyone, never mind a human." I remained quiet, the woman smiling at me. "You are good for Niklaus, and I just hope that he can also see it. My one warning would be to remain careful, but I'm sure you've heard this many times."

"Yes, ma'am." She nodded.

"Now head downstairs, I've some people down there to help you get ready for the ball this evening."

I exited the room, making my way downstairs to see all the siblings except Klaus getting ready. Elijah made eye contact with me, smiling which I met with a scowl. "Amity, what seems to be the matter?" 

I didn't reply, making my way over to a woman who waved me over with a large number of dresses hung on a temporary rack. She placed me behind a screen, telling me to pick whichever one I liked. I smiled as she walked away, and I surveyed my options. There were dresses of every color, making my eyes widen before my eyes landed on a beautiful floor-length dress. I immediately grabbed it off the rack, the lady from earlier returning to me and helping me to get into it.

((this is what i imagine since its so pretty but if you don't like it you can think of something else :) ))

I walked out from behind the screen, making my way over to the mirror that Kol had now left, and looked at myself, smiling

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I walked out from behind the screen, making my way over to the mirror that Kol had now left, and looked at myself, smiling. The dress was beautiful. My attention was taken from myself as Klaus entered, walking straight over to Rebekah.

"You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?"

I noticed all attention in the room shifted to the hybrid as Rebekah smirked. "Here we go."

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?"

Kol shook his head. "Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?"

Klaus turned to his brother, a scowl on his face. "Go back to staring at yourself."

"And who are you? My father?"

"No, Kol. But you are in my house."

The younger brother stood up, both eyeing each other. "Then perhaps we should go outside."

"Enough!" I turned my attention to see Esther in the doorway. She smiled at me before looking at Klaus. "Niklaus. Come." He followed his mother, winking at me on his way past. I turned my attention back to the mirror, Rebekah walking up behind me.

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