i wanna be yours

494 14 6

"Hey, those go in the back. Check the chart." The three girls in front of me nodded quickly before turning around, Caroline looking up from her clipboard. She took a deep breath.

"Thank god you are here this year, Amity. I would not have been able to handle this on my own." 

I let out a sad chuckle. "Yeah, well I needed to get my mind off of things, so I guess this works out for the both of us." The lack of excitement was evident in my voice, making me mentally curse myself before Caroline frowned.

"What's up?"

I sighed. "Nothing important, don't worry."

"How did I know that the cousins would be at the helm of this ship?" I turned, meeting Klaus' eyes as he approached Caroline and me. 

"Leave, Nik. Caroline's busy and I don't want to talk to you."

He smirked slightly as I looked to Caroline, her focus still on her clipboard. "Actually, my precious Amity, I was wondering what time I should pick you up tomorrow." 

I let out a scoff. "Seriously? Yesterday you tell me that you want my life to be rid of you, and today you're asking to take me out?"

He shook his head slightly. "Actually love, I remember that I said I wanted you to have a joyful life rid of me, not that I wanted it to be rid of me."

I rolled my eyes. "You are confusing, Mikaelson. And you can pick me up never since I won't be attending."

I heard Caroline gasp. "What? Are you serious? You couldn't make it last year and now you're skipping it while you're in town?"

I turned to her, shrugging. "It's not my scene. I don't do fancy dresses and vintage dances."

Caroline shook her head in disagreement. "Wrong, I heard about you at the Mikaelson ball. You're just making up excuses." 

Before looking at the blonde, I took a deep breath, her let-down expression making one fall to my face. "Fine. I'll make an appearance." She began to jump around slightly before wrapping me in a hug. 

"Good, and find a dress that suits the theme! It starts at two." She began making her way upstairs, going inside before I could say anything else.

"I guess you'll need a date then, love?" I turned to look at the hybrid.

"Find me a dress, make it match your tie, and if you so much as try anything as you did for the Founders event, I'll gut you, got it?" He smirked.

"Sure thing, love. See you at home." Within an instant he was gone, making me groan to myself before turning on my heel, being met with more helpers for the event look lost. 

"Look, those go over there."

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

((you know da drill but I don't like the corsage in this lol so imagine they're not there))

((you know da drill but I don't like the corsage in this lol so imagine they're not there))

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