feeling whitney

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I looked to the blonde beside me, a glass of bourbon in his hand as we sat at the bar. 

"Who's Mikael?" 

Klaus looked to me, shaking his head. "None of your concern, love. I just need to lay low for a bit until he decides to go away."

"And I'm here with you because?" The blonde shook his head, laughing into his glass.

"You, love, are going to be of great assistance to me." I shook my head.

"How? You're literally the most powerful being alive, right?" The blonde shrugged.

"All will become known in time, Amity." He took another drink before placing his empty glass onto the bar, getting a refill from the bartender. 

"Where even are we?"

Klaus shrugged. "We're looking for werewolves, love. I've got enough of Elena's blood to create hundreds, and once I find one, we'll have no struggle in finding the rest." 

"So you took me with you to help you create a new species?" The blonde nodded. "I'll have you know I'm missing my first day of senior year right now to be here, with you, day drinking." 

The hybrid smirked at me. "Fun, isn't it?"

"You ruined my night, you know. That whole murderous plot with Stefan. I thought vampires couldn't compel supernatural creatures?"

"I'm different, love. Originals can compel vampires, humans, and I assume some other creatures since, well, we're Originals."

"And hybrids?"

"I'm not sure about that one yet. We'll have to wait and see, love."

"What about Elena?"

"Ah yes, the doppelgänger. If not for the lovely necklace she wears, then yes, she can be compelled."

"What does the necklace do to stop it?"

"It holds vervain. Very smart, actually, besides the fact that necklaces can be ripped off very easily. Consuming it in small amounts is normally the better route." I nodded, a comfortable silence falling over us as the music began to play in the bar. "Welp, since the lunchtime music has started I'd take that as our cue to leave." The blonde stood up, walking towards the exit of the bar.

I remained seated, staring at the half-filled glass in front of me. I waited, attempting to act casual as I hoped for Klaus to just leave me there. I counted to twenty before I felt his presence over my shoulder. "I don't want to go, Klaus."

"You don't get a choice, love. You can either come with me, or I'll compel you to." I dropped my head to my hands for a few moments before taking a few more mouthfuls of my drink, placing the empty glass onto the bar before Klaus grabbed onto my wrist, dragging me with him outside the bar and towards a car. 

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

care <3: you need to tell me where
you are so we can come to get you

mita <3: i don't know, care. we've
been on the move since we left.
he won't stay put in a place for
more than a few hours.

care <3: amity, i need you to trust me.
klaus is dangerous and not somebody
you should be comfortable with

"What are you up to, love?"

"Nothing." The hybrid shook his head, reaching over and grabbing my phone. He looked at it, sighing before throwing it out the window. "What the fuck?"

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