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I sat in my bed in Klaus' mansion. I hadn't slept since seeing him desiccated. I hadn't eaten since seeing him desiccated. I hadn't done anything besides stare at the wall in front of me.

I jumped as I heard clattering downstairs. The house had been silent for hours. I stood up, making my way downstairs to see Rebekah with a stake through her heart. I quickly ran to her, attempting to pull it out. "Rebekah, I can't lose you too." 

"Get them into the van!" I turned as I saw three council members, two of them grabbing Rebekah before one of them grabbed me. I was dragged into the back of a van, placed opposite Caroline as Rebekah was placed beside her as they removed the dagger. The door was shut before she looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I didn't respond, looking at her with a neutral expression before Rebekah began to wake. She began to struggle against her ties, Caroline looking at her. "Vervain ropes. Looks like Alaric outed all of us to the Council."

"The Council? What exactly do they think they can do to me?" We all yelled out as the van crashed, limbs flying everywhere before the van landed on its side. "What the hell happened?"

I watched as Tyler opened the doors, searching the back of the van before his eyes landed on me. "Tyler?" He looked at Caroline for a moment before reaching up to me, undoing my binds and catching me.

"Come on, love." 

"Tyler, what's happening? What-" I was taken away in a flash, him and I stopping in the middle of the woods. "Tyler, what the hell! You left Caroline! How could you-" I was stopped as his lips were pressed against mine, him moving his hands all over my body. I pushed him off of me. "What the hell, Tyler?"

"Don't worry, love." I looked at him, the realization set in my brain.

"Oh, my god." I wrapped him in a hug. "I thought you were gone! Rebekah told me Alaric staked you, and then you-"

"Shhh." He held me back, looking at me. "Now, let's get you back to Mystic Falls so we can get me back in my body."

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

I stood in the corner of the room as I watched Bonnie hold onto Tyler/Klaus' head, chanting a spell. Jeremy looked over at me with concern. "This is black magic. She shouldn't be doing this."I didn't answer, watching as the witch continued chanting. Tyler gasped in her grip, looking around with concern before collapsing, Bonnie continuing to chant. Jeremy walked up to her, stress lacing his features. "Bonnie, what are you doing? It worked. Stop." 

Bonnie stopped chanting, looking as if she was talking to someone. "What is happening? Let me go!" There were a few moments of whimpering. "I'm sorry, Grams! You can't do this! Please! Don't do this to her!" Bonnie began screaming before collapsing. "What have I done? What did I do?!" 

Jeremy began comforting her before I saw Klaus' body shoot up, him smiling over at me before speeding over to me, grabbing me in an instant before disappearing once more. I felt the wind whip at my face before we arrived at the mansion, him smiling to himself when he entered and walked over to the blood bags that were stored from Elena.

"Nik, you-" He raised a finger, telling me to be quiet as he grabbed a briefcase, filling it with ice. I walked over to him, forcing him to face me before wrapping him in a hug, beginning to cry into his shoulder. "I thought you were dead. I mourned for you I-"

I felt him begin to run his fingers through my hair, softly shushing me. "It's okay, Amity. I'm here now." 

I calmed myself, wiping my tears before he let go of me, returning his attention to placing blood bags into the briefcase. "How dare you save Amity over me?"

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