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I sat in the Salvatore boarding house's living room with Stefan, him pouring me a drink. I jumped slightly as the door opened, Rebekah entering.

"I got your message. I'm sorry, I know you wanted my help, it's just- he makes me so angry." She turned her attention to me. "You shouldn't be here. He'll come looking and you know it."

I frowned before Stefan began to speak to her. "No one deserves to be treated that way."

She made her way down the steps. "I wanted it back then. The cure. I was willing to leave behind my family for it."

Stefan had filled me in on their conversation over dinner, everything from Rebekah's ancient love life to today's new hunter's mark.

"Would you take it if you had the chance?" Stefan handed her a glass as she spoke. "Or is it just for Elena?"

"Part of me wishes that she and I could have an eternity together, but Damon's right. There's not a single vampire who hasn't killed a human. Elena will kill. And then, there will be the pain, the guilt."

"And then flick goes the humanity switch."

Stefan glared at me before continuing. "Elena, she's driven by love. By compassion."

"And hot vampire sex."

"Amity, I swear if you say another-"

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Continue Mr. Monologue."

He looked back at Rebekah. "If she turns off her humanity, then I don't think we'll ever get her back. So I'd do anything to save her."

Rebekah nodded. "I envy that. You and Elena." She smirked slightly. "I envy the love you have. I really did believe Alex when he said he loved me." Her eyes became teary. "He promised we'd be married. We even picked out a church. San Vittore in Brienno." Her sad smile was all I could see. "I know you want my help, Stefan. But I just can't do anything that lets my brother get what he wants." She took a sip of her drink before looking at me. "Don't let him boss you around. Just because he loves you doesn't mean he controls you."

"I- He doesn't-"

"He won't admit it, but he does. I can just tell by the way he looks at you. The way he doesn't leave your side. He's hurt that you left." I looked down before she placed her drink on the table, beginning to leave.

"I never did answer your question." Stefan's words caused Rebekah to turn. "If it meant that I got to be with her," He took a few steps closer to her. "Have children, grow old with her. If it meant that we'd die together, be buried together, then yes. I'd take the cure."

I watched the blonde's eyes go glassy once more. " I buried him. Even after everything. I laid him to rest in the place where we were to be married. What kind of hopeless fool does that?" I watched as a wave of realization hit her face, her scoffing. "Oh, but that's what you wanted to know, isn't it? Because I buried him with his sword." She laughed through her words, footsteps appearing behind her.

"I'm sorry, little sister, but you're right." Klaus removed his hands from behind his back, showing a dagger and the white oak ash. "You really are a hopeless fool." He dipped the dagger in the ash, and Rebekah attempted to exit through the door, Stefan blocking her.

"I'm sorry, Rebekah."

She turned back to Klaus. "Go right ahead. Laugh at the girl who loved too easily. But I would rather have lived my life than yours, Nik." Tears began to fall down her cheeks. "No one will ever sit around a table telling stories about a man who couldn't love. Not even Amity, since you've made her leave already!" She began to get louder. "Do it. Look me in the eye and do it, you coward!" There was a moment of hesitation. "Do it!"

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