i was all over her

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I woke up in my bed, looking over to see Caroline sitting silently on the end of her own. I sat up, looking over at her before smiling. "Happy Birthday." She frowned, looking down. "What's the matter?"

"I'm just not feeling it this year. Being a vampire sucks." I made my way over to the girl, sitting beside her. I turned to face her, smiling.

"Well, maybe we just make it a normal day? I haven't had one of those with you in a while, and I have a lot to catch you up with." I watched as the blonde smiled slightly before me.

"I think I'd like that." 

My smile grew further. "Great! Give me ten minutes to get ready, and then we can head to school." Caroline nodded. I got ready as quickly as possible, returning to Caroline fully dressed with a packed bag. I looked at her, handing her a small box with a red ribbon. "I know we're not going to celebrate, but I think you still deserve a gift." She opened it, spotting the necklace inside which had a dark blue gemstone on it. 

"This is beautiful. Thank you."

I smiled. "It works the same as a daylight ring. I promise you I had it tested. I can see how much you hate that ugly ring."

I heard the blonde chuckle. "How'd you even get this? There's no way Bonnie would make me another one of these."

"I have my ways." She looked at me with a questionable expression before I continued. "You ready to go to school?"

"Of course."

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

Caroline drove us to school, both of us acting as though it was a normal day as we rolled into the parking lot. As soon as we parked, Caroline's mood dropped, her eyes lingering on Tyler who was making his way over. 

"I'll stay in the car, give you two some space." Caroline nodded, making her way out of the car and over to Tyler. I watched as the two spoke, unable to hear what they were saying. I could see the pain on Tyler's face, him seeming to be apologizing to Caroline. Their conversation was short, with Tyler placing a small black bag into her hands before he walked away, Caroline making her way back over to me in the car. She hopped in, sighing as she closed the door.

"I can't do this today. Can we go somewhere?" I looked at her.

"Wherever you want." She smiled slightly, masking the sadness she was feeling before she reversed. "How about some girl talk? I really need your advice with something."

"This isn't about Klaus, is it?" I stayed quiet, the silence answering for me. "Look, Amity. You're my cousin, and I love you. If being friends with Klaus is what you want, then I'll tolerate it." 

"It's about Klaus, but not like that." She looked at me for a moment, a questioning look on her face before she returned her attention to the road. "I feel like he and I are really close, but he just like blew up yesterday when I was asking him about Jeremy."

"What did you expect, Mita? He is quite literally the angriest person I've ever met, and he has a tendency to act on a whim." 

I sighed. "Caroline, I really care about him, and I don't know what to do. He'll treat me like a princess for days, and then ignore me like we literally haven't spent hours together every day the past month."

"Wait, you've been seeing him every day?" 

I laughed it off. "Uh, yeah."

"Oh my god, Amity. So when he was MIA and had Elena in shambles over his whereabouts, you knew where he was the whole time?"

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