i bet on losing dogs

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"How was the dance?" 

"It was good." Rebekah and I were standing in the cafeteria, both of us picking up the trash and placing it into the small trashcans in our hands. 

"You and my brother are having issues. What's happened?" 

I shrugged. "He just doesn't listen to what I want. He won't listen when I say I want to stay in Mystic Falls, and he knew I was some sort of supernatural fairy or whatever this whole time and just decided not to tell me."

I saw Rebekah frown before Caroline walked in, phone in hand. "Where's Matt?"

I looked at Rebekah, waiting for her answer. "He bailed. Got called into work at the last minute."

"So it's just us three?"

"Yep." I popped the p at the end of the sentence, placing a red solo cup into the bin. 

"And, you're late. Clean up committee started at 8 o'clock." 

I laughed slightly at Rebekah's comment, the younger vampire becoming defensive. "It's like 8:02."

"Exactly. Amity and I managed to turn up on time, and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized."

Silence fell across the room as I continued picking up trash, Rebekah making her way over to the trash can. Caroline followed her over. "I'm sorry about your mom." Rebekah turned her attention to Caroline, the younger vampire continuing. "I mean, I know you like hated her and everything, but still, I'm sorry."

Rebekah returned her attention to the trash, emptying her small bin. "I'm sorry about your teacher. He seemed like a nice guy." 

"Yeah, he was." 

Rebekah looked at me before turning. "I'm gonna get started on the gym."

"I'll come with you!" I quickly followed after the original, both of us walking down the hall. I came to a stop when I saw Alaric in front of us.

"You're supposed to be dead."

Alaric smirked at the blonde's comment. "I am."

She sped to him, attempting to tackle him before she was pushed against the lockers, a white oak stake across her chest.  I attempted to run up to her, taking a step back as Caroline appear, the two blondes pushing Alaric against the lockers, pointing the stake at his chest. He groaned before Rebekah sped away, Caroline grabbing onto me and speeding us to her car, her struggling with the keys. 

"Come on, Care!" 

"I'm trying!" She stopped as Alaric appeared behind her, snapping her neck and dropping her to the floor before grabbing her, making his way over to me. 

"Ric, you don't have to-" I stopped as he grabbed me by the throat, dragging Caroline behind us as he brought me into the school, his skin sizzling in the sun. I watched Rebekah disappear before the doors closed behind us, Alaric shoving me into an empty classroom. He shoved me across the room as he put Caroline's unconscious body into a chair, beginning to tie her ankles to the seat. He walked over to the desk, grabbing onto two pencils before stabbing them through Caroline's hands, causing the girl to wake up and scream. "Stop it! You're hurting her!" He glared at me for a moment before grabbing a piece of cloth, covering it in what I assumed was vervain before placing it in Caroline's mouth and tying it behind her head. 

I quickly made my way over to her, trying to untie it before Alaric grabbed me once more. "Ah, Amity. You had so much potential, but now that's all gone to waste." He placed me into a chair forcefully, tying me to it before biting into his wrist and placing it to my mouth. "Just in case your loverboy gets too aggressive, then I can kill you, and then kill you again while he watches." I shook my head before he took out some duct tape, placing it over my mouth. He made his way over to the desk, leaning on it before taking out his phone. I couldn't hear who it was as he spoke. "Who else would it be? Listen closely. I'm at the school. I have Caroline and Amity, and if you want to keep them alive, I need you to get in your car and come down here right away." He stared at the blonde in front of him as he spoke. "If you tell anyone where you are going, I will kill them." He hung up the phone, placing it into his pocket before grabbing the white oak stake out of his jacket. He made his way behind the desk, sitting on the chair before analyzing it, looking up at me. "This right here could kill your boyfriend. How amazing is that?" I blinked away the tears in my eyes before I looked over to Caroline, tears streaming down her cheeks. I couldn't imagine how much pain she was in, breathing in vervain with every breath. She looked over at me and I attempted to comfort her as much as possible with a look. She gasped slightly before Alaric spoke up once more. "Right on time."

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