feel better

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((lol i skipped like three episodes cuz i just imagine Amity went back to acting like a normal teenager to cope with Jeremy's death x ))

((also third-person pov hehe))

Amity entered the mansion, closing the large door behind her. She turned quickly when hearing a scream of anguish, walking into the main room. Entering the room, she spotted Klaus, sweat-covered and shirtless.

"Klaus?" He turned as he heard the girl's voice, a slight look of thankfulness covering his expression. "Oh my god, what happened?"

The girl made her way over to him, concern lacing her features. "Silas. He attacked me. He stabbed me with the white-oak stake." He let out a painful laugh. "A piece of it is still inside me."

"Oh my god, Klaus, that could kill you." 

He laughed through the pain at the girl's dumb statement. "Well, I certainly feel like I'm dying."

The vampire took a deep breath, leaning against a nearby table in front of the girl. She looked at him sadly, moving her hand to wipe some of the hair stuck to his forehead away. "Hey." She spoke in a hushed tone, taking his face in her hands comfortingly. Klaus looked up to Amity with comfort, a smile reaching his face. "As much as I would love to watch you die, you still haven't found me that cure." 

The hybrid's expression dropped, Amity dropping his face and pushing him backward as he flew to the ground. Klaus has realized who was in front of him, making him yell. "Silas!"

Amity/Silas turned, smirking as she walked towards the door of the room. "That's right." She looked down at the man in front of the fireplace, a smug look on her face. "That's right. Last night I looked like Shane, today I look like your precious Amity, and tomorrow-who knows?"

"Show me your real face," Klaus spoke through gritted teeth, eyeing the person in front of him as they looked down with power. 

"Now why would I do that when I can look like whomever I want you to see?" The girl took a step forward, making the hybrid shudder as he attempted to move away. "Resist me all you want, Klaus, but until you bring me the cure I will bring you nothing but misery. Maybe starting with killing the baby." 

Silas had disappeared within an instant, making the hybrid in front of him let out a sigh of relief, him falling to the floor.

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

((back to normal pov heh))

I took a deep breath as I arrived in front of the mansion, the hot day not helping my need to walk home from school. "Nik, you forgot to pick me up from school!"

"Go away." His voice was low, almost inaudible.

"Nik, where are you?" I walked down the hall, a figure on the floor in the main room drawing my attention. I turned, spotting Klaus crawled into a ball next to the piano. "What happened to you?" 

I took a step closer to him, making him flinch. "I need more time. Stop hounding me!"

I took a step back out of fear. "Nik, I don't know what's going on but-"

"Amity?" He looked at me with fear, his whole body shaking. "Is it really you?"

I looked down at my hands. "I- Uh, I think so?"

He began panting heavily, forcing himself up onto the piano seat.  "Prove it to me."

I looked at him with confusion. "What do you mean prove it I-"

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