what once was

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I walked up the stairs, arriving upon Rebekah's bedroom, where she was angrily speaking to Klaus while Stefan was inside. "This is my place, Nik. I don't appreciate you invading my privacy like some kind of Creeping Tom."

"Well, I apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst." I could hear the smirk through Klaus' words. "But I do have some urgent business." I entered the room, Klaus smirking at me as I leaned against the doorframe, not even bothering to note his existence. "Or, sister, have you forgotten that our paranoid brother Kol is running around with the white oak stake and homicide on the brain?"

"He tried to kill me last night. I didn't forget." 

My eyes widened. "Damn, I spend one day at home and all shit hits the fan." 

Rebekah looked at me unpleased before Klaus continued. "Yes, well, unfortunately, he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers."

"Oh, poor Nik. How ever will you get your way without your precious daggers? They were so handy when you wanted to end a conversation with one of us!" 

"Kol's irrational fear of Silas has pushed him over the edge. We need to put him down before he does any more damage. Now, I know you have the last dagger, and I know you have some white ash, so hand it over."

I chuckled, Klaus looking at me. "Daggering another sibling? What tally would this be for Kol? Three? Four? Eight?" 

Klaus sent me a stern look before Rebekah spoke up. "Mhm, and leave myself unprotected? You can file that request under 'no chance in hell.' Be gone by the time I have showered. Lurkers aren't welcome here."

Rebekah made her way into the bathroom, Klaus beginning to take steps towards the vampire in front of him. "I need that dagger, Stefan. Talk some sense into her."

The vampire smirked. "Why don't you talk some sense into her? I'm headed home to play prison guard to Damon. He's on lockdown ever since Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy last night."

"You see? That's my point exactly. If you let Kol roam free, then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom, and we can kiss our map to the cure goodbye. But if you help me dagger Kol, Damon will be uncompelled, Jeremy will live, and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena." 

Stefan gave his normal nod as a reply before turning around, leaving the room. I rolled my eyes as I attempted to do the same, Klaus reaching to grab my wrist. "Let go of me, Niklaus."

"Are you coming home, love?"

My eyes narrowed as I slapped his hand off my wrist. "Not a chance."

"That's no way to be speaking to your boyfriend."

I laughed. "You lost that title when you unremorsefully killed Carol. Come find me when you find the slightest bit of guilt."

"Maybe after I put down Kol, love."

I rolled my eyes. "Bye, Niklaus."

I quickly left the room, making my way into the room where I had been staying the past few days.

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

"Amity Romero, so nice of you to join us." My eyes widened as I entered the Gilbert household, Elena stuck to a wall with a stake while Jeremy was tied to the kitchen counter, Kol holding a meat cleaver over him.

"Kol, what the hell?"

He smirked. "Getting things done, doll." He pulled his arm back, aiming to cut off Jeremy's arm. "I'm surprised you came. Sending text messages from other people's phones is so convenient."

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