looking out for you

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 "Good morning, love." I smiled, opening my eyes to look up at Klaus. I snuggled my face further into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me, smirking. "You seem happy this morning."

"You're not dead." He chuckled, the action causing his chest to vibrate under me. 

"I promise you, I will remain alive as long as you live." My smile grew, both of us laying in silence for a few minutes. "You had a nightmare last night." I nodded into his chest. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"It wasn't anything important. I think it's just because I've been overthinking a lot recently."

"About what?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Just everything. Don't worry about it."

He placed his hand on my cheek, raising my face to look at him. "Amity, you can talk to me."

I shook my head, moving out of his arms to sit on the empty side of the bed. "It's not important. It was just a bad dream." He sat himself up, making his way over to his dresser where he began placing some clothes into a bag. "What are you doing?"

"I need to go find Finn. I assume he and my mother went running for the hills, and I need to find him before he plots our demise."


He looked over to me, smirking. "We're a pair now, love." He zipped up his bag, making his way over to me and placing a kiss on my forehead. "I've organized for you to go to Nevada for a few days while I'm gone. I don't trust you to be in this town while I'm gone. Your parents already know, and your belongings are already packed and in the car. The driver will take you to the airport." My eyes lit up and I shot up, wrapping my arms around him.

"Seriously? Thank you." 

"Anything for you, love. I'll see you when you return." I nodded, him making his way outside the room before closing the door.

((i had to explain the ten-day gap in the plot somehow i apologize))

──✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──

"How was your trip, love?" I sat behind Klaus in the study, him painting on a canvas while speaking to me. 

"It was absolutely amazing. I got to see all my old friends, and it was like I never left." He smiled over at me before returning his attention to the painting. "My parent's asked about you."

"And what did they ask, exactly?"

"They said, and I quote, 'How come you didn't bring your boyfriend with you? He seemed like a very lovely fellow over the phone.'" 

"I had to make up some sort of reason I would have a connection to you." The hybrid chuckled before Rebekah entered, taking his attention. "What took you so long, sister?"

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake." She held it up. "Luckily, I'm quite the charmer."

I raised my eyebrows. "What the hell is that?"

Rebekah turned to me. "This, darling, is the last white oak stake in existence. The only weapon that can kill an original." She waved it towards Klaus. "Do you want to do the honors, or shall I?"He placed down his paint scraper, taking the stake in his hand and immediately throwing it into the fireplace, it bursting into flames. "Well, that's that, then."

The hybrid returned to his painting, speaking to his sister over his shoulder. "Pack your bags, we're leaving."


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