20. The Golden Question

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54 Days Left

"Here we are", Remiul announced as they pulled up to the driveway of where they'd be staying for the next week. The day of the crowning was soon approaching so they couldn't be away for too long. They just had to go for a control of the narrative.

Despite that, the scenery was beautiful. Of course. Green filled the entirety of the landscape along with flowers of pink and yellow. The baby blue cottage stood out against the other colors.

A singular chauffeur, that would double as anything the family needed, was brought. They were all to stay in the small estate together. The minimalistic dynamic was a big change from their extravagant lifestyle. A comforting and humbling one. Like Remiul, and perhaps they all, needed.

As they stepped out a small yawn escaped all of their lips. They had been traveling for nearly two days with few breaks. All of them were relived to finally have a bed to sleep in. It was the middle of the day, appropriate for an afternoon nap.

They had been stretching in silence when baby Asher broke it.

"I'll get him inside and asleep." Arabella told everyone before disappearing into the house.

Shortly after, everyone else followed suit. The cool air hit them as soon as the chauffeur opened the door for them. The stress of the journey, and nearly off their stress, was lifted from their shoulders. At least in that moment. Their goal orientation distracted them from any other thoughts. All they did was disperse to their separate rooms.

Except Remiul.

He recalled just how small the cottage is. There are only two rooms, where they'd already be mildly cramped. Plus the living quarters for the help, but Rem wouldn't imagine stowing away Sam there.

The couch is available, Rem knew. But that was not an option either. He imagined his parents having to be careful not to wake a sleeping Samuel and cringed.

The only appropriate solution is moving the couch to his bedroom shared with Arabella and his son.

"Ellon, may you assist me in moving the couch into my bedroom?", Remiul asked as the chauffeur-turned-butler carried in the last of their luggage. He set it aside in front of the door, temporarily, in order to help the prince.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Samuel stepped out of the way as the couch was carried across the room. His eyes drifted to Remiul's buff arms with his sleeves rolled up. He corrected himself by looking down at his feet and following behind.

The next day was when the activities were to begin. That previous afternoon no one had enough energy to do anything. They awoke at different times in order to eat dinner; a warm soup that sat on the stove on low so it is ready for eating.

Remiul has been the first one up. While everyone else had been relaxing and enjoying their time to sleep in, he was doing the opposite. His mind was torturing him. He had been fine at first, until Sam. Late that night the baby had been crying. Half asleep, Arabella asked Rem to check up on him. Just as he was about to get up from his once dead asleep state, a rustling could be heard from the far side of the room.

Where Samuel had been sleeping on the couch.

Though Remiul hadn't been been fully coherent, he was enough so that he could comprehend the scene unfolding before him: Sam fathering his child. He seemed to be such a natural as well. Ever so gently, Samuel picked up the crying child and brought him in close. He swayed side to side, patting Asher on the head. Remiul had been hit with all the feelings he had been running from. He could no longer avoid it. He had to be with him but how?

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