7. Ex Boyfriend

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I know that he has to be gay. He just has to; the way he pulled me closer to him, the amount of lust that I saw in his eyes, the feeling of his lips against mine...

There's no way a straight man could kiss me like that. Not even just that kiss. When he held my hand to comfort me, how he let me kiss him on the cheek at the river.

Even if he didn't realize it, he always gave me a look. A look of not just interest but lust. Wether he lusted to talk to me, kiss me, hold me, whatever it may be. Since the first time we saw each other he wanted me, even if he didn't realize it yet.

I did feel extremely guilty for kissing him. I mean, he's a married man for goodness sake! He has a beautiful wife and a baby! How could I make him cheat like that?

It didn't matter anymore, though. I was gonna stay out of his life. For the better. He doesn't need a gay man turning his whole world up-side-down. It's better that he just forgets about me and pretends the kiss never even happened. I can't make him happy like she does. She can give him a perfect life. I can't. He probably will forget about me, anyway.

I'm just a 19 year old adult who acts like an immature child.

She's a beautiful, sophisticated, royal princess that every prince wants. She gave him the best thing in his world; his child. Further, she can give him a queen. How can I compete with that?

"Eat your food, Samuel. It's not gonna eat itself."my dad told me. He chuckled lightly and so did I.

What a jokester.

I grabbed a piece of my toast and smothered it in the grape jam. As I shoved it into my mouth, I could feel it getting all over my face and hand, but I didn't care. It tasted too good for any worry to be on my mind.

I groaned, pretty sexily if I do say so myself. I couldn't hold it in any longer. The sweetness of the jam was simply too good! My mind was blown, and my taste buds danced with excitement.

"Yummy!"I exclaimed, a bit of food still in my mouth. I put on a wide grin as I looked at my dad.

He just rolled his eyes, all too used to my antics. Ignoring me, he continued to eat his own food.

I finished up all my toast, savoring every bite the most I possibly could. Then I gobbled up all my strawberries, the fresh fruit feeling and tasting so amazing in my stomach.

I chugged all of the iced honey tea my dad made from scratch yesterday. It was so smooth as it slid down my throat. The ratio of sweet to bitter was impeccable. Everything about it was just outstanding.

"Dad, this tea is so fu-"

"Language."my dad warned me.

"I was gonna say fudging, what else?" I told him, innocently. We both knew that was a big lie.

"Anyway, it's so fudging good! I think I just died and went to heaven", I exclaimed, making him laugh.

"Thank you. Maybe one day I'll teach you how to make it", he told me, making me a million times more happy. Once he teaches me I could make it every single day! I could drink it at breakfast, lunch, dinner, when I wake up, before I go to sleep, every waking hour!

"Yes, yes, and yes!", I agreed, ecstatically. He laughed joyfully. I could tell that he was truly happy in that moment, making me even more giddy.

"Then that day will be soon. For now, you have to go to violin practice."he informed me.

I looked at the clock on the wall, and it was definitely time for my lesson.

I pushed my chair out behind me and got up in the most extravagantly gay way possible. To think, my dad believes I'm straight. I shake my head at the bitter sweet thought.

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