25. King and Queen

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The red of the ripened strawberries was pungent against the green of the leaves they hung from. They pointed outwards to the sun, begging to be picked. Lucky enough for them, their wish would be granted.

Sam and his father were on either side of the rows, picking the fruit. The sun shown brightly on them and the air was dry. Beads of sweat rolled down their faces and other parts of their bodies. Despite the discomfort, they enjoyed hunting for the best strawberries of the bunch.

They wheeled their barrels to the next group. Sam fixed the hat that sat upon his head. He had borrowed it from his dad, having not had time to get his own. He had a small head compared to him.

This strawberry picking experience had been very different from when he participated with Remiul's family. He remembered how awkward it was, for starters. Remiul's mother had been chatting up a storm and Sam scrambled to find the right thing to say. It ended up working out, considering the queen had a lot to say. It was also different because, this time, he had to find good ones to sell. When he was with Remiul he just did it for fun, exclusively to enjoy them himself.

His mind wondered to Remiul. If he had tracked the days right, today should be the day of the Changing of the Crowns Ceremony. Sam's first instinct was to imagine that Remiul was nervous. Then, he remembered everything he knew about the future king. After that, he didn't think Remiul would be nervous. Sam most certainly knew he shouldn't be.

Sam also wondered how he was doing. Though some time had passed, it wasn't much. Especially considering his father died. If time healed all wounds, it would take a lot more than a few weeks for Remiul to be good again. Sam would think he is at least able to hide his sadness and keep a brave face. Maybe he would cry to himself at the end of each day. Or maybe not.

It didn't help that Sam gave him an 'ultimatum'. Sam knew that wasn't completely what it was but it was close enough. In a kinder way, he said 'give up the crown or me', even though he did not want to make Remiul decide. As much as that's true, it was unavoidable. That's what their issues boiled down to; Remiul could not have the love of his life and be king.

Even so, Sam still held on to hope that Remiul chose him. Even if his calculations had been right and today was the day he should be crowned king. Maybe he'd show up that day to spend the rest of his life with him.

In his heart he held hope but in his head he already said goodbye.

The door was open as Arabella had the corset of her dress tightened. She grunted and moaned with each twist and pull of the strings, further sucking her in. Remiul stood leaning against the door frame and smiling at how ridiculous it all seemed. He couldn't help but remember the last time he saw this happening; the day before the Young Royals' Ball.

He had been so completely and utterly in love with Arabella, or so he thought. He'd been in love with his wife with a beautiful child and had a perfect life. He wondered how it got to be so different. Everything changed in the blink of an eye. He was unrecognizable now. The person nearly half a year ago was completely different from who he is now.

"What are you laughing about over there?", Arabella asked, playfully. The maid assisting her was finally done tightening and tide it off before leaving to get Arabella's shoes.

"Nothing. You look beautiful, by the way.", he walked over to her. He stopped just a foot in front of her.

"Are you flirting with me?", Arabella questioned in a high pitched, saturated voice. She pressed her hand against her chest, dramatically, while fluttering her eyes.

"Haha very funny.", Remiul have her a kiss on the cheek before backing up and sitting on the bed.

"I love you, you know. You're my best friend.", Remiul told her.

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