22. You Used Me

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45 Days Left

"What did your mom mean when she said 'never let the real one go'? I'm right here."

After what had happened with the king, the family had decided to cut the vacation short. Oliver was in exponentially worse shape then when they had left, so they travelled all through the night and stopped frequently during the day. The news of his drop in health spread through the whole kingdom. Because of this, the obvious family drama presented at the carnival dissolved. All the people and newspapers focused on was their dying king. The people began to make plenty of crafts dedicated to him such as signs, dolls, rosaries, candles, and much more.

It took them a much longer journey back home but they arrived just two days ago. By the time they did, they were welcomed with all of the things that had been made for the king. They were all going through hell but it still made all of them feel a little better. They knew the rest of the kingdom was on their side. At least they would get through it.

It also helped to release all of the tension that had been present in the family. The night they came home Arabella and Remiul talked, really talked. She couldn't remember the last time they had. In fact, they talked all night and slept in the rest of the next day. She felt them reconnect. Maybe her suspicions had been incorrect.

Even if they had all just gone through the a big scare, they all were happy. They smiled and talked and laughed together. They knew it wouldn't be long until they could no longer do that anymore.

Right before they left the cottage, Remiul pleaded with Samuel to stay. He pulled the dying father card, though he really did need him. He also persuaded him with words the queen had said. Samuel agreed on one condition; that Remiul give him space. They both knew this agreement is really an agreement to deal with this issue another time but still accepted.

"I don't think she meant much by it. Just speaking aloud."

Remiul took another sip of his tea.

"Since we had been... shakey.", Arabella fished.

Remiul felt a renewed sense of self that he never had before. Looking at Arabella right now, a single strand of curled hair in her face, he saw his best friend. He had felt safe with her as teenagers, as kids. He felt that again, though he hadn't in years. The urge to spill everything ripped through him. His mother already accepted him, wouldn't Arabella? He thought she could but he wasn't sure. Nonetheless, the felt more confident in his gayness than he ever had before.

"We're stronger than ever now.", Remiul chose to keep it to himself. For now.

"Yes, we are. Speaking of couples, when will Samuel be finding someone? Surely there's another gay person in the kingdom for him.", Arabella tried hinting, once again.

"Surely there is."

"Maybe closer than he thinks, you imagine? Just like how you and I were best friends."

"Who do you imagine?", Remiul was getting a weird feeling. He could see something was up with Arabella but couldn't put his finger on it. What was she getting at?

"He", she let out a fake chuckle, "Well, to be frank he seems to fancy you."

Remiul choked on his tea. He let out a fit of coughs. So that is what she was getting at.

"We're just friends. He knows that."

"Of course. I mean, it's not like the two of you could be sneaking around or something", she laughed again but her eyes did not. She kept them aligned with Remiul's, though he refused to make contact.

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