23. Sam's Performance

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Remiul knocked a few times on Sam's door. Their relationship has been complicated lately, considering Samuel asked for space. He knew they loved each other, but they didn't even have a label. Even so, they haven't really spoken in a couple of days, so he figured it was safe. Especially since he had a surprise for Samuel.

The door swung open. For what felt like in forever, their eyes connected. Remiul saw the piercing blue and Samuel gazed at the brown.

"What's up?", Samuel asked. He smiled, happy to see Remiul alone. Though he'd been the one to ask for space, his heart fought for different so it was nice to see him.

"I- uhm", Remiul coughed into his fist. For unknown reasons, he was nervous to talk to him. "You ready to perform?"

Sam's heart tightened in his chest.

"Perform? My violin?", Remiul noticed Samuels eyes slowly widen.

"Yes, your violin. I squeezed you in to do a solo performance tonight at the theatre."

"A million times yes!", Samuel squealed. His lips turned into a wide grin, teeth and all. He threw his arms around Remiul's body in joy. In this moment, Remiul was Santa Claus on Christmas morning. And Sam loves Christmas.

Remiul's arms were sandwiched between Sam's against his body. Remiul remembered Sam's youthful charm. He hadn't shown it in a while, he almost forgot about it. It was one of the attractions of him. His eyes darted down to the flop of hair right under his chin, tickling it. Rem couldn't imagine living without it.

Since the king had been bedridden, for the most part, breakfast had been eaten at the dining table without him. Further, the queen wanted to give him extra time to rest. It had, in her opinion, been proven beneficial because the king had not waken up earlier than the middle of the day since coming back from their trip. Some days even later. As much as it endured fear in her, she knew it was the only time he was truly at peace. During the day he was fighting for every breath. Him not being at breakfast gave the rest of the family plenty of time to discuss everything going on.

"Remiul, you said you would talk to your father. It has been much too long since you have assured me of this. I was being lenient, considering it may be a challenging thing to do. But now it is time."

Sam sunk back in his chair, trying to remain out of the view of the queen as she stared down her son. Though he'd worked through most of his feelings of guilt, there was still some. He knew it was not his fault for everything going on with Remiul; with or without himself, Remiul would still be gay. Sam just couldn't get the thought of him being Remiul's 'sexual awakening'.

"Does it have to be now?", Rem walked the line of conversing and whining.

"Yes, unless you would like your father to die having a false sense of who you are."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Remiul...", Guinevere trailed, a stern expression on her face.

"Being gay is not that big a part of my identity.", Rem argued, stuffing a pineapple into his mouth.

"I don't think Samuel would agree.", Guin pointed out, making Sam choke slightly on his water. He looked around the table at the eyes on him.

"You want my input?", he asked, like a scared little boy.

"Yes, Samuel. Please.", the queen asked.

"I... uhm.... I...", Sam struggled to find words. All he could think of was how his father kicked him out, harshly. The look on his face and voice filled his senses.

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