2. The Young Royals' Ball

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I shushed Sally, gently, as I put her back in the stable with her fellow horses. Her, along with all the other horses, made it a simple task to sneak Sally back in without anyone noticing. At this hour of the night, they were all sound asleep.

The hardest part was making it to my room and in the shower before anyone saw me in this condition. The best scenario was that Arabella was already be picking out a casual lunch outfit from her walk-in closet, which was next door to our room, and mom and dad already left to have lunch together. The more probable scenario was that Arabella was in our bedroom and my parents were still doing work in their offices. If that were the case I'd have to crawl under the window seals that shows from her office to the stairs, where I'd also have to sneak past while I think of an excuse to tell Arabella.

It turns out, what I had expected would happen was what I was stuck dealing with. I opened the back door, slowly. The only thing that could be heard was a light creak but the sound was drown out by the soft jazz music that rang throughout the whole house.

Just as cautiously as I opened the door, I shut it. I proceeded to walk across the small dining room that only sat 4 people. I pressed my ear against the door, trying to listen for any movements or voices. When I didn't, I opened the door as little as possible and slipped through.

I looked around and no one was in sight. The closest person to me was my mother, who was in her office only a few feet away from me. Thankfully, her door was closed so she wouldn't be able to see me. I would have to crawl, though, which was not the most pleasing for a 25 year old man.

I got passed her office and to the stairs without any hiccups. When I finally got to stand up again I made sure to stretch out my knees and back from being so sore.

I walked up the stairs, keeping myself alert in case anyone was around. The top of the stairs was in my sight when I saw a peeved-looking princess in only a robe and her luscious hair in a messy bun.

"You know" she began, her anger bubbling to the surface. She kept on a calm face though, which intimidated me even more, as she made her way towards me. "you're little escapade would've worked if I hadn't been looking out the window when you and your horse emerged from the forest. What were you doing, Rem? And why are you so dirty?"

Now we were eye- to- eye and, even if she didn't raise her voice or curse in any way, I could tell she was mad. Her eyes narrowed at me and she had her hand on her hip.

"Honey, don't worry about me. I just went on a little ride after polo lessons were over. I stopped by the lake, tripped on a rock, and landed in the dirt."

Of course, that was a complete lie. I don't even know why I felt the need to be dishonest with her in the first place. She's my wife and she fell in love with me for me, she knows I like wild adventures and need a break sometimes. So why couldn't I tell her the truth?

"Oh my goodness!"she exclaimed. She hid her face in her hands and let out a groan.

"I'm such a fool!"she mumbled into her hands.

I grabbed her wrists, sliding my hands down to hold hers, and looked at her. She eventually met my eyes. I noticed that hers were glossy with tears, her lips twisted in a deep frown.

"You are no fool. I understand you're concern, ok? And I love you for it."

This made her chuckle lightly, no longer on the verge of crying. Instead she was smiling.

"I love you too, Prince Remiul."

She gave me a peck on the lips and went back to our room. I couldn't help but think of Prince Sam calling me Prince Daddy.

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