5. Nightmare

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It was my turn to cook breakfast today. Ever since Arabella and I decided to move out of the castle and buy our own small cottage, without any workers, we took turns cooking everyday.

I decided to make classic bacon and egg with hash browns on the side. It was very delicious and filling, which is good. We need a lot more food now that Asher was growing more and more by the day. He eats like a pig.

"Breakfast is ready!"I shouted, signaling that everyone comes to the kitchen. While they were coming down I started to make plates for us three.

Asher was the first one down, of course. He had stormed in as fast as he could, as he does everyday and everyday we tell him-

"Don't run in the house, Asher."

But he never listens. One day he will.

I handed him his plate and his mother's to set down on the table. I poured us all milk and took it to the table.

As I was setting it down I heard foot steps from the top of the stairs. I set down the glasses and waited to greet Arabella.

But my wife wasn't the one walking down the stairs. Instead, I saw Sam in a dress and heels, an outfit that Arabella would wear.

What's a young man doing in woman's clothes?

I gave him a confused look while frowning. He just ignored it and walked towards me until he was only a foot away.

"Aren't you going to give me a kiss, 'good morning', Prince Daddy?"he asked, batting his fake eyelashes at me.

I immediately jump away from him, smacking hard against the table. It only shook and the glasses of milk spilled but I didn't care. I was more worried about why he thought I was gonna kiss him and where Arabella was.

"What? Why would I do that? I'm not gay!"I exclaimed, aware of how crazy I sounded but it didn't matter. I'm straight. I like girls. I like Arabella. Where is she?

"Yes you are, dad. Why are you acting so weird?"Asher spoke up and I felt myself get shocked even more. What is happening? Why does my son think I'm gay?

"I'm not acting weird! Where's Arabella?"I asked, making them both look at each other, confused.

"She doesn't matter anymore, I do. You love me, not her. You're gay."Sam told me.

I shook my head furiously, on the verge of tears.

"Shut up!"I screamed, not able to handle the truth. That maybe he'd be right one day.

"You're gay dad."Asher told me.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Remiul, wake up!!"

I finally heard Arabella scream as she pushed on my chest. When I did my eyes snapped open and I sat up quickly. A thick layer of sweat had covered every inch of my body. My clothes and hair were all sticking to my skin. No matter how many deep breaths I took I wasn't able to breathe normally.

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