18. Everything Unfolds

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Guinevere's eyes burned when she pushed open the vail to the tent. She had been excited to see her son in the suit that his father bought for him, knowing that he would look like the handsome man that she'd always knew he would become. He would certainly look like a future king.

What she saw was something much worse. Sam was on top of Remiul, both of them shirtless. Guin could tell that they were doing very inappropriate things. Before she could notice anything further, she snatched her hand away from the smooth, waterproof fabric of the tent. Her eyes stayed glued to the it, not being able to move. She shook her head, arms, and whole body. She suddenly couldn't stand to stay still. She turned her back to the tent and focused on everything around herself.

Nothing seemed to stop the image of her son and a man from clouding her vision. Not the beautiful, blue sky. Not the vivid red, blue, and yellow Ferris Wheel that awaited spinning. Not the smiling and laughing of all the children with their parents as they ride the rides or get powdered sugar all over their chubby cheeks. Not even the joyful music that played at every booth that she used to love so much.

Remiul was consumed with so much fiery heat but yet he could feel the intriguing cold of Sam's skin against his own. At first he didn't want to submit to Sam but he quickly loved the feeling. More lust was ignited all over his entire body as Remiul held his hands over his head and left love bites on his neck. Rem was melting into Sam, his mind shutting down and his body taking over.


Remiul's eyes snapped open. All at once he was too aware of the world again. He remembered that he was suppose to be getting ready for his speech that was bound to start soon. He realized the sound came from his tent closing.

Someone saw them.

Remiul looked into Sam's eyes, silently communicating his panic. Sam nodded and rolled off of him.

"Shit shit shit!", Remiul replayed in his head.

Remiul grabbed his shirt off the chair and put it on as fast as he could. He struggled with the buttons, his fingers too shaky from anxiety. He finally managed to do them all up.

Sam did the same thing. He knew that whoever had seen them that him and Remiul would have to talk to them. Niether one of them figured that'd be a good idea to do with no shirt on.

Remiul walked over, hesitantly, to the thin material. On the other side may or may not be the person who had seen them. They might've, Remiul thought, left to go tell someone. They could've passed out right then and there. Or they could just be standing there.

Rem grabbed the slit of the tent. He waited a moment, not wanting to have to face this. He didn't want to believe that this had ever even happened.

He pulled open the tent.

The first thing he noticed was a tight, elegant bun. He immediately knew that it belonged to his mother. Relief washed over him, but even more, worried at the same time.

He grabbed her arms, gently. She let out a light yelp as Remiul pulled her into the tent and closed the fabric to give them privacy.

Guin ripped her arm from her son's grip. She couldn't believe Remiul had been so rough with her. She had already had to witness him cheating on his wife, and now he's pushing her around? It's absolutely absurd.

Her once shock turned into anger. Her son needs to learn to respect her. Sure, he must've been panicked but that's no excuse. Plus he keeps cheating on his wife. Guinevere just didn't understand the point of it. If he didn't love Arabella and wanted to be with Sam, why not at least divorce Arabella? Maybe to keep up his reputation and not disappoint his parents, Guin thought.

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