10. Let Him In

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It was officially polo season, my favorite time of year. Sure, I'd have to workout and practice, which took up more time, but I also got to work with my team. There was no greater joy in the world than practicing in such a group; laughing together, struggling together, learning together, even crying together. When we were all united we were trouble, wether it be on the field or in a bar. The only place we dared to behave was practice or else Coach Michael would make our life a living hell.

Today was the first day that we'd all practice together again. Also the first day of workouts in the morning and practice in the afternoon. Meaning, I'd have to wake up earlier and hand over the job of reading for Asher completely to Arabella. She wasn't happy about it but she knew it had to be done. Trust me, I wasn't all that happy either, but I would spend more time with him after the season.

I woke up an hour earlier that morning. Turning to my nightstand, I was glad to see the protein shake beside my bed. That would be the only fuel for my exercise.

I sat up in my bed, grabbing my shake and chugging it. My taste buds danced and twinged are the sweet caramel and the hint of salt. The quicker I get ready, the quicker my training is done, the quicker I can get ready for the day, the faster I eat breakfast with my family.

I set it back on the nightstand and went to my closet, picking out a pair of joggers with a tank top. I looked at my assortment of shoes and slipped on some Nikes.

After I was all done eating and getting ready, I went down to meet my trainer. He was laying down on my couch, a pen gliding against paper. As he was writing, laughter came from his lips.

"Coach Thomson?"I called for his attention.

I saw him quickly, but gently, fold up the paper and stuff it into his pocket. The pen was slipped into his breast pocket. Gathering himself, he walked towards me.

"Good morning, Prince Remiul. Hope you had a good morning because you're gonna be working on your glutes and lower back, to help with your strength on the horse. You've already ran a lot so I won't make you do that until our next session."he explained.

Glutes and lower back workouts weren't even bad. If I'm being honest, they're my favorite. It makes me feel more in control and strong when I do them. I actually felt a tad bit excited.

He lead the way to the weight room I had built in the castle years ago, when I first hit puberty and wanted muscle. I remember going in there everyday and being so excited to workout. My father had to make me stop sometimes, like when I was there too long or too often. I would get injured a lot and that's when I started to realize that I should set a healthier schedule.

That's actually how I started polo. My dad was finding it hard for me to stop going back to the weight room, so he decided to get me into a sport. I had a deep love for horses, so he got me one and signed me up for polo. From the moment I first played I fell deeply in love with it. It had become easier to balance horse riding and the weight room now. That year, I became as swole as ever.

Coach Thomson opened the door. A wave of ice cold air hit him and I, causing us to shiver. It would feel a lot better once I started working up a sweat.

"Start with your stretches. You're not gonna get injured on my watch."he instructed me and I nodded.

I started my first couple of stretches while closing my eyes to really focus on feeling my muscles loosen. The pace of the day had been so quick but it started to slow now. I actually had time to breathe. To think.

These past weeks have been so bloody stressful. I figured it would get easier or that Arabella and I would stop fighting, but we haven't. Well we weren't fighting. We just weren't on the best of terms. Whenever we had a conversation it always ended with one of us being frustrated and leaving. It was better that we not fight and yell at each other. It wasn't good for my parents to hear, nor the baby.

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