11. Don't Leave

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"Who is this, honey?"Arabella asked from behind me, breaking the hold that Sam had on my eyes. I motioned him for him to come in and shut the door.

I turned my attention to her, feeling Sam shrinking away under her stare. She smiled fakely at him and pretended that he didn't look broken.

This is bad. Very, very bad. Beyond the worst scenario that can happen. Sam, the boy I had a steamy make out session with, and my wife. Meeting. Of all days today, when I was actually having a good day.

Bloody hell.

"Hello, Arabella. This is just one of the young men,"

It felt less like I was a pedophile than me saying boy.

"that had attended the 'Young Royals' Ball'."I explained to her. I wasn't lying to her, he was there. I just wasn't telling her the whole truth. That's not as bad... right?

"Prince Samuel."I decided against any nicknames. Arabella already seemed to be mad that he was here, I'll never know why. I'll ask her tonight. "This is my wife,"I gestured to her. "Princess Arabella."

Sam and Arabella both looked at each other, not saying anything. They only sized each other up, which made me feel awkward. Arabella has no reason to see him as a threat, at least in her mind. All she sees is a young boy that was soaked from the rain and had been crying. Sam, on the other hand, might've had a reason to be. Or I could've been imagining the whole thing.

I cleared my throat to get their attention. Both of their heads snapped in my direction. At first, they looked at me like I was their pray. After a split second, both of their eyes and facial features softened.

This is getting creepy. I have to stop it.

"Arabella, why don't you go make sure the guest bedroom is all fixed up?"I offered. She plastered back on her fake smile. Her teeth were deathly white against her dark red lips.

"Of course, honey."she answered. Her voice was overly enthusiastic and kind towards me. She walked up to me, giving me a peck on the cheek before walking away. When she was gone I rubbed my hand against my cheek, wiping off the lipstick mark she left.

"Is she usually like that?"Sam asked me, his voice barely a squeak. I was so taken aback by it, but I tried not to show it.

"Like what?"I teased him.

I turned towards his direction, smirking at him. Suddenly he was so shy. I've never seen him this shy. I secretly loved it.

"Well, she was.. how do I- like a..."he stumbled on his words, unable to make up his mind on how he wanted to put it. I knew what he wanted to say but he didn't want to be mean. That's adorable.

"A bitch?"I offered, making his eyes widen.

"No! I would never-"he began to panic. I would've felt bad, except for the fact that it was hilarious.

"Calm down, little one. I'm only messing with you. No, she doesn't usually act like that."I told him. I moved closer to him. He looked nervous as I only stood a foot away from him.

I reached down and grabbed his rain-soaked jacket. He looked hesitant but I nodded, encouraging him to trust me. He let me take off his jacket. I took it and threw it over my shoulder. Then I began to unbutton his shirt. This time he submitted without me having to do anything.

"I hope you don't expect me to get completely naked. If you do you're gonna have to pay me and, I'm warning you, I'm not cheap."Sam told me, making me laugh. I looked up at him and I noticed him smirking. It didn't hide the pain in his eyes.

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