8. I Love Her

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"You need to learn to be a strong leader, Prince Remiul."

I couldn't stop thinking about Sam. Ever since we kissed a few days ago, I couldn't help but question wether or not I'm gay. I've never shared a kiss like that with Arabella. They were all sweet but never that heated and passionate, but maybe that's not what marriage is about. Maybe what Arabella and I have is a proper marriage and the relationship between Samuel and I was some sort of... fling. Like it's was never meant to last.


But I truly do love to spend time with him. He's made me laugh like no one has before. He's given me the thrill that I crave. He's listened to me so intensely. No one ever cares as much about what I have to say as he does. When we talk I feel engaged and necessary in the conversation, not like I'm just an option. I was able to cry in front of him when I kept my emotions hidden from everyone else.

"PRINCE!"I heard my name being shouted.

My head snapped in the direction it came from and I saw the man my dad hired today to teach my lesson of the day to be a proper king. His eyebrows were scrunched and his arms were folded. His face had begun to turn a settle red color.

"For what reason are you shouting?"I asked him, making him roll his eyes and groan. He already seemed so annoyed with me, and it's only been five minutes of our session.

"It doesn't matter. Just pay attention alright? I'm going to teach you how to be a proper leader, a leader your people will trust. I'll teach you how to take control of any situation."he explained and I focused on him and what he had to say. I can't let my personal problems get in the way of learning to be king. I have two months less than I did before to learn as much as I can. I don't have any time to waste.

"You can be likable to an extent. You have to remember that they are not mean to be your friend. You're king simply to keep the order of things. Sometimes, not everyone will agree with your decision and that's ok. You just have to get them to follow your rules."

I nodded, soaking it all in. It seemed simple enough. It was a pretty basic rule that I seemed to be following well.

"So, basically, I show face a little to get there trust?"I asked him and he nodded.

"You've been well doing so far. At the 'Young Royals' Ball' all of the Prince and Princesses seemed to like you, therefore they trust you. I've also heard you're going to the fair, which is another great opportunity, but remember not to go overboard. The rule is; keep things professional. You're not there to have fun, you're there to make a speech. If you start making friends with individuals they will try and talk to you like a friend on these issues and think they can change your mind if they disagree. They'll think they can rebel against you in order to change your mind. You don't want that."

It seemed to me like I just had to act like I was stuck up and better than them, which I hate. I, somewhat, understand what he was explaining to me but wouldn't they think I think I'm better than them if I'm not friends with them?

"But wouldn't that make them think I think of myself as their superior?"I asked and he smiled and shook his head at me.

"That's where your speech comes in. I noticed that you sort of went with the flow on your last speech. Don't get me wrong, the speech was perfect, but you should write your speeches in advance from now on. It will give you time to say everything you wish to say in the way that you want to. If you do it right, they won't think you're stuck up."

It all seemed fishy to me. He was telling me how to trick them into trusting me and not thinking I was stuck up, even though I don't have to trick them. I am a trust worthy and humble king. Everything he was saying was correct, and I will do it, but it just seemed off.

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