6. Skin

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The closer Sally got to the lake the more anxious I began to feel. I had no idea what he was going to tell me. I had no idea of how badly he had been hurt by whatever the backstory of the necklace was. I was completely clueless as to what demon he could be holding back from his past. Now that I think about it, I know nothing about him. All I know is that he's a 19 year old prince who may or may not be gay. I know zilch about his family, whereas he knows everything about me. Today he'd give me a sneak peak of what goes on in his life, on who he is when it comes to life experience. Not just what he says or how he acts around me.

It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. Ever since I first met him I had been curious and now some of my curiosity would be fulfilled. I would find out wether or not what he has to say will change my opinion on him or not. Wether I would still want him in my life or if I'd be scared away but I doubt it. He's made me feel emotions that no one else had awakened in me before. I didn't ever want to let that go.

This time when I saw him by the lake he wasn't on his horse. He wasn't playing the violin. He wasn't facing the water. Instead, he was laying on the grass and staring up at the sky. His hands were woven together, resting on his chest. I could tell that he already felt emotional but was holding it together.

I knew that he heard Sally walk over to him. She stopped and stood by his horse. I jumped off gently so not to disturb Sam's peace, but just enough to know that I was going towards him.

"Lay next to me."he commanded me, his voice a soft whisper. He didn't sound authoritative, but I still felt compelled to obey him. I got down, laying so close to him that our shoulders were touching.

I didn't look at him, as much as I wanted to. I forced my eyes towards the sky and studied to stars. They shined so brightly, like nightlights for the entire earth. It was so magnificent that we can see them, even though they're so far away.

"That one looks like a flower."Sam commented, using one of his fingers to point at a group of stars.

My eyes followed where he pointed and tried connecting the dots in different patterns to see a flower. It took me a while before I could see any shape at all and, when I did, I didn't see the same thing he did.

"Honestly, it looks like a bunny to me."I told him, causing him to face me. I looked at him to see him giving me a 'what-the-hell' look. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, how do you see a flower?"I asked, as if the most absurd question because it is! There's no way- at all-that he can see a flower from that. It's hands down a bunny.

"How can you see a damn bunny?"

We both glared at each other for a second before laughing and looking back at the bright stars in the dark sky.

"I'm guessing you want to know about my necklace, huh?"Sam asked me. He didn't seem tense or sad about it, like he did the other night. He was almost passive about the whole thing, which confused me but I didn't worry about it. Maybe he was ready to open up to me about it.

"Well, yah. I do."I told him, shyly.

"His name was Colin."

That name sounds familiar.

"We met about three years ago. I was a lot more shy back then and I didn't have any friends. Colin was the one who helped me open up.

Anyway, we met at an art camp. We had to have a buddy system when we went in the woods to take pictures of animals to paint, so we didn't get lost. Out of all the people who wanted to be his partner, Colin picked me; the shy boy no one liked. Everyone thought I was a psychopath but I wasn't, as you should know by now."

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