24. The Return

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29 Days Left

The next day was a day of mourning for the entirety of the kingdom. No one was to leave their house. They were meant to pray and commemorate the king in any way they could. This consisted of mostly baking, many of which were loaves of bread. People also cooked and set the table for the fallen king. They were to light as little candles to keep their houses, and the kingdom, dark.

Even the weather seemed to submit, though it could have very well been imagined. The sky was filled with fluffy, gray clouds. The sun could not be seen from anywhere. The air was also humid, the most humid it had been all year. If someone were to go outside they would appear to have just run a marathon. This wasn't much of a problem, considering the most outside activity that was to be done is going out on their porch. Even then, no one wanted to spend much time outside.

This was especially true for the queen. As soon as she woke up, not awoken by the maid as she usually was, she got up from her bed and pulled the curtains closed. Then she retreated to her bed, just sitting and staring at the wall.

The commotion woke up Remiul, who had fallen asleep on the love seat in the corner of the room. He recognized the sound of the curtains closing and went to the nearest maid and asked her to close them all. He went to the kitchen, where he was sure breakfast would be ready. As he was about to open the dining room doors to the kitchen, he was stopped by one of the security guards.

"Your Royal Highness, there is someone at the gates."

Remiul found this announcement to be suspicious. There was to be no one outside, much less trying to get into their castle. Further, his security should have turned him away by now. He saw no reason for his own involvement.

"Send them away. What does this have to do with me?"

"He has shown proof to be the father to Prince Samuel."

"Tell that!-", Remiul began, but recognized the hostility in his voice. "Send him on his way.", Remiul ordered. The hostility was still present but barely.

Remiul was left speechless for a moment. Not in his wildest dreams did he imagine Samuel's father would show up there. He'd disowned his son like trash on the side of the road. Remiul could still remember how hurt and broken Sam was on the first day he showed up at the castle.

"Do you wish me to inform Prince Samuel?", the security guard asked. He wanted to recommend Remiul ask Sam first, but wouldn't have the future king believe he is being second-guessed. Therefore, he tried to get it into Rem's head that it was his own idea.

It appeared to work. Remiul realized that it was not completely about him, but about Sam. It was his father showing up, perhaps for him. Wether it be good or bad, it was mostly Sam's business. Although it was awful timing, Sam had a right to know what was going on. Even if his father be the scum of the earth, in Remiul's eyes, he had been someone Sam loved before that. Probably someone he still loves. He had a right to see it through.

"Please, do. As a matter of fact, let me talk to him", dealing with someone else's father drama was much better than dealing with his own.

"And, please, have my mother fed."

Remiul continued his speed walking to Sam's door. As his mind defaulted to his father, he redirected it to Sam.

'My father is gone.', to, 'Sam's father is here.'

'What will I do without him?', to, 'How can I get this bastard away?'

'He can't really be gone', to 'He needs to be gone.'

Rem took a moment to reflect on the long walk and size of the house before knocking on Samuel's door.

Sam opened the door, almost immediately. All he had been doing, since much too earlier in the morning, is sitting on the foot of the bed and staring at the door. He was waiting for anyone to come in and have him help. He'd assumed it'd be a maid or, maybe, Arabella. It slipped into his mind that it might be Remiul but shook off the thought every time.

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