4. Breaking Point

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We rode our horses a little more of a distance, probably a few miles. We were side by side, talking about random subjects that came up as we made our way to his next surprise. There was a part of me that hoped it would be as thrilling as the last but I also didn't. What we did was reckless and could've gotten us and our horses killed. The again, the rush was worth it. I trusted him enough to not get me killed.

"Don't over analyze this, Remuil."Sam said out of the blue. The only time I've seen him act caring like this was with his violin. Now he was introducing me to this side of him more formally and it pleasantly surprised me. It seemed that he genuinely cared for me, even though we only met two days ago. Even though he was a 19 year old prince and I was going to be king soon.

"I'm not over analyzing anything. I just don't want to do something else that could get my horse injured or worse."I explained. He looked me in the eyes and nodded, making me feel appreciative toward him. No one, not my parents nor my wife, has ever listened to me like he does. It felt nice.

"Don't worry about that. This next thing won't involve our horses at all."

I let out a sigh of relief.

As if on cue, we reached a cliff. I assumed this would be the next challenge, seeing as it's very high risk.

Sam's horse stopped and so mine did too. I followed his lead as he jumped off his horse and walked to the edge, looking down. I couldn't see anything but a black abyss. I assumed it was a very far way down to the bottom. I looked back at him and he looked at me, his face completely serious.

"We're gonna jump."he informed me, no ounce of joke in his voice.

What does he mean we're gonna jump!? I couldn't even see the bottom! If we jumped we would splatter in the ground like an egg! Is he serious right now?! Is he suicidal? Or maybe psychotic?

I could feel my eyes widen at him. I probably looked like a mad man but I didn't care. He's the mad man.

Then he bursted out laughing for the second time tonight. He clapped his hands as tears began to slide down his cheeks. He wiped them away and looked at me.

"I totally fooled you! You should've seen your face!" He exclaimed, beginning to explode with laughter once more. I could feel my face turn from shock to anger. My eyebrows were now furrowed and I was definitely scowling at him. My face began to heat up and was probably turning red. I'm glad it was too dark out here for him to notice."You looked like a gerbil with how much your eyes popped out!"he added. He didn't stop laughing for another few minutes.

"What are we actually going to do, little one?"I asked, still slightly annoyed but I ignored it.

"We're just going to climb down to the bottom."

That didn't sound too hard. I've done tons of rock climbing before and I've always done good at it. Plus if Sam is doing it than I should be able to also. He wouldn't have me doing it if he thought I couldn't do it.

"You go first, I'll watch to make sure you're doing alright."he told me and I nodded. He's probably done this before. He knows what he's doing.

"Am I going to be able to do this?"I asked him, just for reassurance.

"Do you trust me?"

It was such a simple question but the way he said it made it so much deeper.

"I shouldn't but I do."I told him, being completely honest. I shouldn't trust him because he's basically a random stranger. Considering my power, he might want to have me gone. He might even be working for a different kingdom but I doubt it. Something inside me doesn't believe that he's capable of such evil.

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