16. A Different Truth

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"What do I do, dad? This could ruin my whole reputation!"

I barely sat at the breakfast table when my father told me about what was on the news, in articles, basically all over the kingdom.

Recounts of Sam and I at the mall, at the pastry shop, getting into the carriage, everywhere we went yesterday were everywhere. The newspapers had reported that a 'mystery boy' was spotted with the soon-to-be king. Crazy speculations were made in several articles. Any reason for us being together was mentioned, besides the actual truth but there's no way they'd know about that. Crazy fans and haters spread gossip about why we were together or that he was using me for my money. That idea alone disgusted me beyond belief.

Worst of all, there was news of him going into my home spreading. That was what made everyone go crazy. Everyone had their own theory, most concluding that him and I were in a relationship and Princess Arabella was my wife in order to try and cover it up.

To make the whole ordeal even more unbearable, people were painting the two of us kissing or even worse. There were drawing of us doing couple-things and, very detailed, art of us having sex.

I couldn't even handle the fact that my mom and dad had to see that. They had to see their son's private parts and another man's working together. Sure, it was just art but it was still so embarrassing.

When my father had shown it to me Sam was looking too. If it was even possible, he was even more embarrassed than anyone else. His face was blood red and he sunk low to his chair. I could tell that he wanted to disappear just as much as I wanted to.

Arabella was fuming. She was the maddest I had ever seen her in my entire life, it honestly scared me. She looked at me like she wanted to rip my head off with her teeth and throw me to the wolves.

She had yelled at me, saying that she was being made a fool of. That she knew that Sam was bad news from the start. She said that I was stupid for letting him stay here and told me to pick between her and Sam. I just ignored her, knowing that was not gonna happen. Eventually, she stormed out of the room. She probably just said all those things in the heat of the moment.

"It depends on what kind of king you wish to become, son."he told me.

"Tell me what to do."I pleaded. At this point I was desperate. I don't know what the right thing to do is. I could go about this sternly by prosecuting anyone who posted anything, I could give in and tell the truth, I could ignore it all... but I don't know what will have the best outcome.

"I can't."

It's a lie, he's faking it. There's no reason he shouldn't tell me, he can. He just won't.

"Yes, you can! You could, you just don't want to."I argued.

He's always told me what to do, what decisions to make. He tried to control my whole life, like it was his own and I hated it. Now the one time I'm desperate for his input, he doesn't tell me his opinion.

"Of course I could, Rem. I won't because this is your first test as king. This will predict the kind of king you will be and you have to face that on your own. I've guided you your whole life, I have faith you will make the right choice."he told me, as if he was the wisest man.

I realize that he is. Anything he's ever told me to do, he'd been right. Wether I listened to him or not was on me. He knows what to say and what to do when it really matters. If he says that I can make this decision myself then I need to have trust him.

"You're right. I hate to say it, but you're right."

"Sorry to have to cut our lesson short. I just needed to do this and thought you'd might like to observe."I apologized to my teacher who had been teaching my king lessons.

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