15. Mute

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Sam hasn't talked for a few days now, ever since we went to church. I'm worried out of my mind. I can't focus on training, polo practice, or anything. All I can think about is what happened in there that left him so damaged. I wanted to try to find a way to fix it but I can't.

I've tried asking him about it but he won't talk, all he does is shrug. I ask him if he's hungry, he shrugs. I ask him if he wants me to unpack his clothes that he got from Colin's parents, he shrugs. All he every does is shrug and give me the same emotionless stare that he's always had on his face.

When he's not eating with us, due to me forcing him to, he stays in his room. I've given him books to read and there's a tv, but he never turns it on nor reads. He just stares at the wall or hides under his bed sheets. I've tried to sit next to him to offer some comfort but he ignores my presence so I leave.

He hasn't changed his clothes or showered since he got back. He looked like a wreck and was beginning to smell, but I didn't care. I just want him to do it for himself instead of letting his depression consume him.

My mom and dad had began to worry about him too. Every once in a while my mother would go into his room and light a candle or force Sam to drink some water. My father would make visits too. He would read to Sam, despite his lack of interest.

Even Arabella was concerned, even if she'd been bitter towards him not too long ago. She's not evil, there's a reason why she's my wife. She does have a kind heart but maybe she was just jealous of the attention I had given Sam when he first got here. I don't think she holds any ill-will towards him anymore. She has to understand why I had acted the way I did toward him when he showed up at our door step.

She's been bringing the baby with her when she saw Sam, hoping that Ashers charms would help Sam's mood. It didn't.

Letting him sulk obviously wasn't helping him. It was probably hurting him. Everyday he stayed cooped up in his room was another day that he buried himself further into his state of despair. I couldn't stand it anymore. The only way I could help him was to get him to go outside and smell the fresh air, to realize what he's missing out on.

That's why I decided to wake up Sam early, right after my workout was over.

I didn't even knock on the door. I just opened the door and walked to the window. I opened the curtains and the blinds, letting the natural light flood the room.

I heard a loud hiss, making me turn around and look at Sam. He used his hand to cover his eyes before turning away from the light and pulling the blanket over his head.

I walked over to the bed and pulled the blanket off him. He hissed again, wrapping his arms around his body as he shivered. He turned to face me and scowled.

At least his facial expression changed.

He was naked except for the boxers he had on.

"Get up."I ordered him as stern as I could. I was not gonna baby him anymore. He is going to do as I say, even if he doesn't like it, because that's what's best for him.

He just turned around and closed his eyes once again, ignoring me.

"Don't make me tell you again, Sam. Get. Up."I told him again but he didn't move. It was like I wasn't even there.

"Bloody hell, Samuel. Get up before I make you get up!"I threatened him, ready to use more force if I needed to. I don't care if he despises me for it. I will do anything to help him be happy again. Even if it means he never wants to speak to me again after I'm done.

I saw his eyes open and he rolled after to face me. He sat up but didn't move. He just looked at me, as if testing how far he could push me.

I leaned down, my face only a few inches from his. I looked directly into his eyes with the most serious expression I could make.

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