12. Loosing Control

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I woke up and the first thing that I saw was a blonde thing. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, wondering what mess was in front of me. Then it began to move closer to me and reviled a face.

I recognized that face. The soft skin, the long eyelashes I never noticed before. The soft yet kind of sexy jawline. No, not sexy. I'm not gay. The blonde mop that covered his eyes.

It was Sam.

Suddenly, all the memories of what happened last night flooded my mind. Him coming to my house, soaking wet and crying. Him telling me about his dad. Me punching a hole in the wall. Us having dinner with my family. Me making him chocolate milk.

Him telling me not to leave, like Colin.

I couldn't just leave him alone after that. He was crying in his sleep. I got in bed with him and wrapped him in my arms until he had calmed down. After that I couldn't bring myself to leave. It was like he was a magnet, and I was a paper clip. Once I got too close, he'll never let me go.

His face was only inches from mine. If I desired, I could just lean down and kiss him. But I won't. I'm not gay, I'm married. I love my wife.

His head was resting on my arm. His soft hair brushed against it, causing me to get goosebumps. His hands were resting on my chest as he snuggled into me. My arm was on his lower back, beneath his shirt. Our legs were intertwined. Our bodies were pressed together, as close as humanly possible.

I moved him away from me gently, so I didn't wake him up. He tried grabbing me back in his sleep, but I turned him around towards the wall. After a short time, he gave up and stopped moving.

I turned around towards the nightstand. I read the numbers on the small screen, having to squint because they were such an annoyingly bright red. I could finally make out that it was 6:55 am. I was suppose to wake up at 6 for my workout with Coach Michael.

I jumped out of bed, forgetting all about trying not to wake up Sam. I grabbed my shoes from off the floor, not even taking the time to put them on. I grabbed my coat from the chair and slid it on before rushing to the door.

I was only a foot from the door when it swung open, slowly. It was probably Stacie going to wake up Sam. I backed up against the wall, the door pinning me down. I held my breath as the door got closer, and I swore she would catch me. Just as I thought I'd break, she walked over to Sam.

"Your Royal Highness, it's time to wake up and get ready for breakfast."

Stacie shook his shoulder lightly.

He groaned deeply and stretched out his arms and legs as far as they could go. His eyes stayed closed as his neck extended along with the rest of his body.

Once he was done he sat up in bed and opened his eyes. When he did, they automatically caught mine and his eyes widened. I gave him a look to act natural and he did.

"Are you ok? Would you like to sleep in later?"Stacie questioned him. She began to look in the direction Sam was.

"No!"he screamed, causing her to shoot her attention back to him.

"I mean, no I'll wake up now, thank you. Do you mind getting me some clothes to change into?"he asked her. I could tell that he was trying to get her to leave.

"I don't have any clothes to offer you."she told him. Her voice was almost scared but also full of apology.

"Just get one of Re- Prince Remiul's suits. Trust me, how won't mind."he said in a slightly teasing manner. I rolled my eyes at him, despite knowing he couldn't see me.

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