Deeper in our Thoughts

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It's a Monday, our first day back at work but Jessica was not here. She has a court hearing. I cannot stop myself from worrying about her but I did not know how and what to text her. We had way too much wine during Thanksgiving and we both revealed a lot of things to each other. We parted ways the next day with an uncomfortable silence.

We were supposed to have a couple of scenes together but the team decided to shoot those tomorrow. I only had a few scenes without her so my day is pretty light.

I went on to shoot my scenes but could not seem to take my mind off of her. After the director shouted 'Cut', I went to my trailer and texted her.

Me: Hey...

Not really expecting a response from her, I put my phone inside my pocket then I heard my phone beep. Jessica replied. My heart stopped beating for a split second.

♥My Life♥: Hey... Are you okay?

Me: That depends on you and how you are doing.

♥My Life♥: I really don't know...

Me: Where are you? I'm done with my scenes and I can get out of here now.

♥My Life♥: I'll be okay. Go home and be with Sofia.

My heart sank. But I respect her space.


I wanted to tell her where I was. I wanted her to hold me. But I can't bring my self to. I don't want her to feel that I am taking advantage of her. I told her to go home and be with Sofia as I sat on top of this hill crying my heart out with all this pain inside me.

My phone beeped.

♥♥♥: I'll cook dinner. When you're ready and want to, come over. 

Dinner will be ready by 7.

I need to sort all of these out. I can't be miserable and happy at the exact same time. I need to clear my head. I called Eric. I am thankful to have my childhood best friend as part of the cast. I get to be with him more now.


"Hey Jess. I can feel your tears. Don't leave. I know where you are. I'm coming."


A few minutes after, I hear Eric call my name.

"What happened in court today? What did that bastard say and do?"

"He called me a lot of things today. That I was never a wife. That I did not give a damn about our family. That I only used him. But the worst part is that he said that I was not fit to be a mom."

"You know that none of what he said is true, right?"

"If they weren't then why are we here, in this situation? When we got married, he said that I can still work if I want to. When we had Luke, he still supported my decision to work. After giving birth, I stayed home for one whole year. He was the one who encouraged me to go back to work. Then now this? Did he want me back to work so he could go and sleep around? I don't even know which of the many girls he is with now."

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