The Long Flight

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"Okay, Luke, baby, I need you to drink this water from the bottle and not the sippy cup okay? That goes with you too my baby girl Sofia. It will help with the awie on your ears when the plane starts to fly, okay? You both understand?" I told my kids as we sat on our family cabin at the business class section of the plane. Of course I did not expect them to understand but the reward of them giggling whenever I talk to them makes me so happy. So it does not really matter.

"These two adore you so much. I doubt they even understood a word you said but they respond to you either way," Sara said as soon as I leaned back. "You look tensed. Are you okay?"

"Yes I am. I just hope the kids will be. It'll be their first long haul and I don't know how they're going to take it. I guess we need to take turns sleeping so we'd both be available anytime they start being cranky."

"Yeah you're right Baby. Here, why don't you go ahead and sleep." She told me as she handed me my pillow and blanket. "I love you, my life. Sweet dreams." She added and kidded me soft but hungry.

"I love you too, Honey, I really do. Thank you. Goodnight. Goodnight my babies. I love you both so much." I leaned forward to give my two precious babies a kiss. And as expected, I was reciprocated with giggles and kisses from them. What more could I ask for?

I leaned back and curled myself to the side in a fetal position. In no time I fell asleep. I did not even feel the plane take off.


Every day I see and hear Jessica with the kids, I fall in love with her even more. She is really great with them. I can say that she is the epitome of what a mother is and should be. Our children are blessed.

She was giving instructions about drinking from the bottle and asking them if they understood made me chuckle with laughter. Of course our kids did not understand a word she said but she went on as if they did but she looks and sounds amazing. The kids even giggled and laughed as if they perfectly understood their mother's instruction. Oh my heart.

I let her sleep first so I'd be the one awake when the kids are up as to not to tire her too much.

"So, it's just the three of us now huh. Mommy is trying to rest so I need you both to be quiet, okay? We want Mommy to get as much rest as possible." I talked to the kids and gave each of them a kiss.

"Anything we can get for you and your wife and kids?" I heard an attendant knock on our private cabin and called out. I stood up and opened the door to talk to her.

"My wife would need another blanket and pillow please. She easily gets cold and she likes to sleep with lots of pillows. As for the kids, do you have cereals and fruits or pancakes maybe?"

"We have pancakes. What syrup would you like with that?"

"No syrup for now. The sugar will keep them up and I need them to sleep with me so when my wife wakes she won't exhaust herself with these two monkeys. Thank you."

"Oh definitely. I'll get the extra pillow and blanket now and then be back in a few for the pancakes." As she was about to leave, she looked back and said, "You have a very beautiful wife and your kids are so lovely. You're blessed."

"Oh thank you! I appreciate that. And yes, my wife is indeed beautiful. Stunningly beautiful to be exact. We are indeed blessed."

I sat back and looked at Jessica. I wiped the strands of hair that were falling and tuck it on her ear. She is really beautiful. Not only on the outside but on the inside as well. "My wife...," I whisper and a big smile was across my face. I leaned over to give her a kiss on her head and whispered again, "I love you."

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