Zayn was at one of his classes, mindlessly listening to his professor. He was in his head thinking about what he and his daddy did the day prior. He couldn't believe he actually liked it, with him being inexperienced with sex and all that. Zayn grabbed his phone from his pocket and opened up his texts with Liam.
To: Li 🥰🦁💪 "Leeeeeeyum, im boredddd."
From: Li 🥰🦁💪 "That's daddy to you. Aren't you in class?"
To: Li 🥰🦁💪 "Maybeee. Why does that matter?"
From: Li 🥰🦁💪 "You need to pay attention Zayn."
To: Li 🥰🦁💪 "But Leeyummmm, I don't want to."
From: Li 🥰🦁💪 "Daddy."
To: Li 🥰🦁💪 "Yes? Do you need something 😂"
From: Li 🥰🦁💪 "Oh, now you got jokes. Stop texting me and pay attention in class." "That's an order Zayn."
To: Li 🥰🦁💪 "I'm thinking of you daddy."
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*we are going to ignore Liam in the photo please*
Zayn put his phone back into his pocket after sending his daddy the picture that he took the other day. Thoughts were still swarming in his head but he tried pushing them aside to listen to his professor. But once he tuned back in, he realized everyone was packing up their things and walking out of the room. Oops. Well it was his last class of the day anyways, he honestly didn't really care.
Zayn walked off campus to the parking lot, where he knew his daddy was waiting for him. He spotted his daddy's car, walking towards it quickly.
"How was class today Zayn?" Liam asked after Zayn slid into the passenger seat.
"Oh, you know. Great."
"Oh yeah? What did you do in your teaching class? And seatbelt," Liam asked as he drove off, placing one of his hands on Zayn's thighs.
"Uh. How to be a teacher, yeah that's it," Zayn said as he rolled his eyes.
"You are a shitty liar, you realize this right?"
"Fuck off," Zayn mumbled as he crossed his arms.
Liam slammed on the breaks, throwing his arm out to stop Zayn from slamming into the dashboard. He wasn't that cruel. "I said put your seatbelt on and stop mumbling. If you have something to say, speak clearly." Liam looked over at Zayn watching as he put his seatbelt on. He put his eyes back on the road as he started driving again.
"It's not even that important."
"What do you plan on doing with your life then?" Liam questioned.
"Fuck if I know. I could probably find a job. Why the fuck does it matter?"
"Because you need to be able to take care of yourself, especially if we don't stay together. You need to be able to stay afloat in the real world."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"We've only been together a few months. And you're already thinking of quitting college, even though it's one of your rules to finish it. I am not going to be the reason you drop out."
"You and your stupid fucking rules. Who says you'd be the reason? Who says I didn't think about this before we even met?" Zayn yelled.
"One, don't raise your voice at me. Two, don't try that bullshit with me you told Niall you were taking college seriously. Three, you agreed to the rules when you agreed to being my submissive. If you want to rip up our contract let me knownow. We can just be regular boyfriends." Liam spoke with a steady but firm voice.
"I thought you weren't having him watch me at college?"
"He doesn't watch you, he mentioned it before we even got together."
"Mhhm, sure he did."
"Do you want to rip up our contract?" Liam asked as he pulled into his driveway.
"No," Zayn responded quietly.
"I didn't think so. Now I honestly can't tell you what to do, I would prefer if you atleast finish this year. If you want to drop out after this year then fine, you already have two years under your belt. If you decide you want to go back at a later time, that's fine too. But this needs to be your decision Zayn."
"Decision already fucking made," Zayn said as he got out of the car and started walking towards Liam's house.
Liam turned off the car before getting out and locking it. He followed after Zayn, who was nowhere to be seen when Liam entered his house. Liam noticed Zayn's shoes next to the door and his phone and wallet was thrown on the table next to the front door. He walked upstairs, figuring that's where his submissive ran off too, into his bedroom where Zayn was sitting on the bed.
"Y'know I was in a great mood. Up until you picked me up. I was having fun texting you, it was great actually. But now all of your questions and shit put me in a bad mood. I honestly just want to be alone right now," Zayn said as Liam entered the bedroom.
"There's a room down the hall you can go be alone in then," Liam said as he pointed down the hallway.
"Fine." Zayn got up and walked down the hall, finding the only room with the door open. "I'll come find you when I want to talk." With that Zayn closed the door and laid himself down on the bed.