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"I prefer daddy," Liam whispered in the twinks ear as he slid inside of him.

"Nghh daddy harder," the twink begged as he rocked his hips back.

"As you wish princess," Liam said as he did what the twink begged for.

They were both about to reach their orgasm's when they heard the front door being kicked open and gunfire as the intruders made there way throughout the house.

Liam had just gotten out of the twink when his bedroom door was kicked open, leaving him no time to grab his handgun. The twink let out a ear piercing shriek when one bullet pierced through his shoulder and the other went through his leg.

Neither male had time to process what was going on before they were both grabbed, still stark naked, and bound before being taken out of the house and into the back of a vehicle.


Haii there!!!

So this might be a short story, there might be/might not be a happy ending we shall see how it progresses.

This will include the following:

* Daddy kink
* Bdsm
* Non-sexual punishments
* Sexual punishments
* Violence
* Talk about drugs
* Drug usage
* Anything else I decide to add

I hope you guys liked this.

What did you like?

What did you dislike?

What do you wanna see happen?

Vote and comment if you want.

Thank you

Love all of you


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