♡until the triplets are back together, I'm going to be switching back and forth between Zia and Zaria&Zayd. Liam and Zayn's pov will also be present occasionally♡
Zia has been staying with Louis and Harry for about a week now. She has stayed in contact with Zaria and has started talking to Zayd. Zia has been able to bum money from Harry and Louis while she works on getting herself a job. She has a couple of interviews lined up, none are really for what she is looking for. But you do have to start somewhere. It may not be the smartest decision but as of right now she has decided to drop out of school. It will be too complicated to get her records transferred from the school in Greece all the way to where she was at in the states. So it just made more sense to her, to drop out.
Zia thinks that Harry atleast, not so sure about Louis, has caught on to the fact that Zayn and Liam are unaware of where she is. But they haven't said anything to her regarding her guardians or her siblings.
Zaria has been keeping Zia in the loop, as to what herself and Zayd plan on doing. And as to what Zayn and Liam are aware of.
She was told that both Liam and Zayn are aware that she left, but her siblings refuse to tell them where she is.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
"What are your plans for today babes?" Louis asked Zia as he walked into the living room.
"Well I do need to go to a store to get appropriate clothes for my upcoming interviews, wanna tag along?"
The two of them got ready before leaving, Zia grabbing a set of car keys. She had permission to drive any vehicle that she wanted, until she was able to get her own car.
"Can you help me pick out an outfit or two?" Zia asked as she began driving.
"Of course, where did you get interviews at?" Louis asked so he could have an idea as to what Zia should wear.
Zia rattled off the three businesses she had managed to get interviews at. Louis pulled out his phone to find a clothing store that had professional attire, before giving his niece the directions.
"I got ahold of my friend and he has connects in LA, so that's where we are going to be headed," Zayd told Zaria as they were walking to school.
"Who is this friend?" Zaria asked.
"No one you know, I just need to know if you are coming with me?"
"Of course I will. I'd prefer not living in Greece."
"So we can either leave when we turn eighteen or wait until after we graduate?" Zayd said as they walked up the steps to their school.
"I'm not sure, can I get back to you on that?" Zaria asked.
"Yeah, we got time. The connect isn't going anywhere. I'll see you after school," Zayd said before walking in the opposite direction of Zaria.
Zaria wasn't sure what she wanted to do. On one hand, she hasn't been taking school seriously but on the other hand, she knows if she doesn't graduate life won't be as easy. She'll have a harder time finding a good paying job or anything that would be worth it. And she wasn't about to spend her life working retail or customer service, she already made that decision. Granted once she has access to the money in her name, she won't need a job right away. But if she isn't smart about it, money does not last forever nor does it grow on trees.
Haii there!!!
♡Happy 2022♡
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