*a few months later*
Zayn hasn't fought anyone since the two fights he was in and his bruises have completely faded away. He thought long and hard about what he was going to do regarding college, and had decided he was going to change his path. He talked with his dominant about it and decided he wanted to put his fighting knowledge to use and become a self-defense instructor. Plus he'd be useful for his daddy in regards of the gang. He wasn't happy with wanting to become a teacher so this change is needed, otherwise he would have just dropped college completely like his initial plan was. Perk being he could do all of his courses online instead of being on campus.
His and Liam's relationship is still going strong, even with him moving in with Liam. Honestly he didn't know how it was going to be, being with Liam twenty-four seven but their relationship hasn't faltered. He actually loves being around him. Definitely prefers it.
Which brings them to now, Zayn was currently cuddled up under his dominant, while Liam was on his laptop. Zayn ran his hand along Liam's thigh, lightly trailing his fingertips along the outline of his cock.
"What are you doing?" Liam asked as he looked down at Zayn.
"Nothing," Zayn innocently said.
"Oh really?" Liam placed his laptop off to the side.
Liam rolled so he was on top of Zayn and leant down to whisper in his ear, "I'll ask again princess, what are you doing?"Zayn stared up at his dominant as he ran his hand down Liam's back and to the front of him, sneaking it into his boxers. He began rubbing up and down Liam's cóck with a smirk on his face.
"Hands and knees baby," Liam ordered as he pulled away from Zayn.
Zayn sat up, stealing a kiss from his dominant before going to his hands and knees.
"Ooh lace. Y'know princess I can't picture you fighting anyone if you wear lace. But that doesn't matter. You, baby, are wearing entirely way to much clothing," Liam said as he pulled Zayn's panties down and off.
Zayn kneeled to take his shirt off, also turning to help Liam take his shirt off."Scuse you, I believe I said hands and knees."
"I'm aware Liam," Zayn said as he went back to his hands and knees.
Zayn heard Liam being busy behind him before he felt lube slicked fingers enter his hole. It felt like as soon as he felt the fingers in him they were gone again.
"I prefer daddy," Liam whispered in Zayn's ear as he slid inside of him.
"Nghh daddy harder," Zayn begged as he rocked his hips back.
"As you wish princess," Liam said as he did what was begged for.
They were both about to reach their orgasm's, the teasing made them both rock hard, when they heard the front door being kicked open and gunfire as the intruders made there way throughout the house.
Liam had just gotten out of Zayn when his bedroom door was kicked open, leaving him no time to grab his handgun. The submissive let out a ear piercing shriek when one bullet pierced through his shoulder and the other went through his leg.
Neither male had time to process what was going on before they were both grabbed, still stark naked, and bound before being taken out of the house and into the back of a vehicle.
Haii there!!!
So I decided who is going to portray Zayn's dad. He will be introduced next chapter. I also decided who will portray Zayn's mom, she will be introduced soon.
With that being said, with whom I chose you will have to think of them as way older than what they actually are.
And now with that being said, I hope you guys liked this chapter.
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Love all of you