Warning: deaths and od mention
Zayn didn't answer his dominant, he didn't have an answer. He wasn't sure whether or not Louis really deserved to live. It's not like he did anything really wrong but he was double dipping. That was a no no amongst the gangs. Well to Liam really. Aubrey didn't care because well he told Louis to. He didn't care what happened to the kid. Louis was Zayn's best friend, so Zayn cared what happened to him to a degree. Zayn kinda wants to talk to Louis again but the first time he was allowed to speak to him, fists flew and he doesn't think he'd be able to prevent himself from fighting him again.
Zayn and Liam were still watching the triplets. Isa never got in contact with Zayn and he felt zero reason to contact her or Aubrey. Plus this gave Liam time to get to know the toddlers more and for them to get comfortable around him. Zayn also knew that the triplets birthday was coming up, he was trying to figure out what he could do for them. Y'know turning four is a big deal.
Zayn and Liam spoke with Liam's lawyer and found out the papers that Zayn signed were legal binding. They questioned about adding Liam to the document, to also be the triplets legal guardian if anything happened to their parents, but there was nothing the lawyer could do. For now.
Currently Zayn was watching a movie with the triplets while Liam had just left with Styles, Horan, and Louis. Liam was paranoid that Isa and Aubrey were planning something. He did have every right to be paranoid, since Louis did tell him that there was a plan for him to be killed.
The trio knew where they were going, Louis was unaware of his surroundings. He didn't know if he was being taken to be killed or what. He didn't know what was in store for him and for his actions. Liam wasn't going to outright kill the younger man, but if he died then he died. He wasn't going to prevent it. Of course Harry didn't know this, Liam already knows Harry would protect Louis regardless of the situation. He was seeing love over the double dipping.
Since Zayn didn't answer Liam as to whether he wanted Louis dead or not, Liam wasn't going to be the reason why Louis died. If he died. Liam knew for sure he was going to kill Aubrey, he didn't know yet what he wanted to do to Isa.Anyways the four of them were on there way to Aubrey's house, assuming that's where the gang leader would be. And they assumed correctly. When they pulled up the driveway, they saw both Isa's and Aubrey's vehicles plus lights were on in the house.
"Do you smell that?" Niall asked as he took in an over exaggerated sniff.
Harry and Liam did the exact same thing, smelling fire.
"Is this going to be a set up?" Harry asked as he looked back at Louis.
"Nah, there's no way they know we were coming. Nonetheless keep your weapons out, I'll bring Louis with me," Liam said as they all exited his car.
Liam grabbed Louis by the arm and started walking towards the back of the big house. He wasn't expecting to see the start of a fire when he got into the backyard."You're the reason my wife is dead," he heard Aubrey speak, but he couldn't see him.
"Isa is dead?" Louis asked as he was pulled in a circle tripping over his own feet, Liam trying to find Aubrey.
"I don't know," Liam said quietly, not liking that he didn't know where Aubrey was.
Liam watched as both Harry and Niall slowly walked into the backyard from inside the house, their weapons raised. Liam's gun was still in the waistband of his jeans, he was busy toting Louis around. Rookie move.
"Your boyfriends fantastic idea to watch my babies, killed her," Aubrey said as he came out of the shadows. His own gun raised at Louis.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Liam asked.
Harry and Niall both walking to stand off to the side, but behind, Liam."It was her first night without the triplets since they were born and she decided to party. She partied a little to hard and overdosed on drugs supplied by you. Now it's my turn to kill the person you love," Aubrey said as he placed his finger on the trigger.
Gunfire was exchanged by both sides, Liam pushing Louis out of the way. Making sure to duck himself so he could get his own gun out. Aubrey didn't stand a chance against Harry or Niall.
"Louis!" Harry screamed as he heard Louis scream while falling.
Haii there!!!
Like one more chapter? I think
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