Chapter Twenty

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When the six men arrived at the tracked location, Luke and Ian walked the perimeter of the abandoned building. While Liam, Zayd, Niall, and Zayn stayed by the vehicles. Louis and Harry stayed back at Niall's place.

"Well isn't this a coincidence," Zayn observed.

"What do you mean babe?" Liam asked as Luke and Ian walked back to them.

"This is just down the road from the restaurant. I wonder why that is." Zayn turned towards Niall as he spoke.

"All clear, no one was lingering outside or on top of the building," Ian said as they reached the group.

So what's the plan?" Luke asked as they all were huddled right outside the doors.

"Follow me," Liam said as he grabbed Zayd by the shirt collar and dragged him into the building. Gun in his right hand, Zayd on his left.

"Uh what are you doing Liam?" Zayd questioned.

"You'll be okay, don't worry."

"Oh the worry is definitely there, you are dragging me in this building without telling anyone why. Telling me not to worry is like telling water not to be wet. It's not going to work."

"Do you trust me Zayd?" Liam asked as he stopped walking for a split second.

Following a brief second of silence Zayd responded, "yes."

"Alright, just follow along silently like everyone else."

"Kinda hard to do while you're dragging me. But okay."

The four men followed behind Zayd and Liam, Liam following the loud chatter that he heard when they all entered the building.
He slammed open the door, dragging Zayd in behind him. He immediately located the girls, turning his head to look behind him to see Luke and Ian moving towards them.

"You get Zayd, we get the girls back," Liam announced, gaining chuckles from everyone in the room.

"You took the bait, aren't you a dumb son of a bitch." Liam heard as a gun was pressed to the back of his head.

"Kneel bitch," Niall demanded as he grabbed Liam's gun from his hand, kicking the older man in his knees so he'd fall.

Liam let go of Zayd as he fell to his knees, Zayd quickly scrambling backwards away from the center of the commotion.

"This is between him and I, the rest of you can leave." Scoot came out from behind everyone.

Z A R I A  a n d  Z I A

The girls were kept in a solid concrete room together, no windows, no way to escape. They weren't kept in restraints while they were in the room, only when they were allowed out. Which wasn't often.
After what felt like forever, but was only like four days, the girls were brought out of the room and into a bigger room. They were forced to sit on the floor with their hands tied behind their backs. But this time around the blindfolds and gags were removed. The two of them quietly sat next to one another, Zaria placing her head on Zia's shoulder.

"What do you think they're planning?" Zaria whispered.

"I'm not sure," Zia whispered back.

The two of them went quiet as they observed all of the men in the room. There was a slight buzz of chatter throughout the room, the girls not being able to decipher anything being said. That was until Zia felt someone grab her ponytail and forced her head to tip back. "Aren't you a pretty little thing."
Zia could smell the booze rolling off of this man's body in waves.

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