Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning, uncle Harry made it his mission to make sure Zia was late for work. Even though he was told she couldn't be late. He simply didn't care. Zia had finally arrived two hours after she was supposed to, she could feel the tension on the 58th floor when she arrived.

"My office now Ms. Malik." Zia heard as soon as the elevator doors opened.

Zia quickly walked past her coworkers that were on the floor and went straight into her bosses office. Mr. Smith closing the door right behind her.

"Give me a good reason as to why I shouldn't fire you," Mr. Smith said as he stood behind Zia.
Zia looking at the windows that were behind her bosses desk.

"It's not my fault I've been late."

"How? It is a requirement of you to find a way to work and home from work. Explain how you being late isn't your fault."

Zia turned around so she was facing Mr. Smith while answering him. "I live with my uncles, and the one has been giving me hell for working here. He says I have no choice but to let him take me to and from work. Until I get my own vehicle or find a new place to stay or both," Zia explained softly. She was embarrassed that she was being forced to have this conversation with her boss, just because her uncle is being a jerk.

"Do you know why he has been acting like this?"

"He probably took lessons from my brothers boyfriend on how to be a dick," Zia mumbled.

"Why don't you live with your brother instead of your uncles? Assuming your brother is an adult."

"My uncles aren't really my uncles, they've just been around since my siblings and I were four, when my oldest brother was granted guardianship of us. Plus my brother and his boyfriend live in Greece. I left because of how controlling they were, just to be in the same situation. If I knew my one uncle was going to be like this I would've stayed in Greece and finished school and all that shit." Zia didn't realize she had began ranting and saying more than she had initially intended.

"You didn't graduate high school? Why not?" Mr. Smith now moved to sit on his desk, motioning for Zia to sit in the chair.

"I left when I was seventeen, a couple of months after my senior year started. I didn't feel like dealing with the hassle of getting all the necessary documents somehow transferred here to the states," Zia explained as she sat down.

"You put on the application that you graduated high school. Why lie about that?"

"Do you actually verify if it's true or not? Well obviously you don't, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here having this extremely intrusive conversation with you."

"Don't start getting sassy with me. I was going to offer you a solution." Mr. Smith crossed his arms over his chest, not appreciating the sassiness he was getting from his employee.

Zia just stared at her boss, waiting for him to continue.

"I could let you borrow one of my cars, until you have the money to buy your own. Which you should have enough soon. Or I could pick you up and drop you off daily, to make sure you're not late again."

"I feel like if you were to pick me up and drop me off, it would piss my uncle off. So let's do that." Zia would rather torment her uncle, when he doesn't have a real reason to be treating her the way he has been. Payback is all Zia could think of.

"Great, starting today I'll drop you off when the day is over. Now let's talk about my schedule." Mr. Smith stood up and walked around his desk, so he could sit in his chair and easily look over the documents.

"Anything you need changed sir?" Zia questioned.

"Next week Tuesday we have to go on a little day trip to speak with some people that I haven't been able to get on board. Then the following week, a week long trip to California I have a competitor there that wants to meet up. Not sure why as of yet, but should know by next week," Mr. Smith rattled off.

Zia quickly wrote down everything that her boss said, making sure not to forget anything.

"Why would I come with you?" Zia genuinely asked.

"You're my assistant. Your job is to accompany me on these types of trips. Plus I can then get to know you better too."

"Okay. Anything else?"

"I don't have a meeting until later this afternoon, so why don't we go get an early lunch together?" Mr. Smith suggested.

"Wouldn't others think that's weird? I mean you're my boss."

"There is nothing weird about it Zia. But if you don't want to that's fine. I just figured we'd kill time before my meeting, since I don't have anything for you to do right now," Mr. Smith explained.

"If you say so, then it's fine with me."

"Perfect." Mr. Smith stood up, grabbing his wallet from the drawer of his desk.



Niall managed to get all of the necessary documents sent over from Greece and Zayd starts school in a week. Zayd wasn't all to thrilled, but he only had a few more months left he had to get through. Now he has to be able to manage to get through an entire eight hour period sober. He knows he can do it, it just won't be easy.
On the bright side Luke told him he could do some selling to the high school students, help prove to Niall this is something he can do easily and without being caught. That's if he doesn't get caught.
For the time being, until he starts school up again, Zayd has been taking the time to get to know Luke better. Zayd has picked up on how Luke blushes whenever he's teased, or whenever he gets called cute nicknames. Or when he gets flustered by Zayd calling him Lucas. He loves when Luke can go from being all cutesy flustered to flipping it around and making Zayd feel the same way. The two of them flirt back and forth constantly, Zayd more so than Luke. Sometimes they don't even notice it.
Zayd feels butterflies when he's around Luke.


Haii there!!!

I might do a time skip, to when 2/3 triplets are graduated. I feel like it's boring right now. But idk yet, I'll figure it out.

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