Chapter Seventeen

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"What the fuck was that?" Liam yelled once the two of them were in his vehicle.

"I don't wanna talk about it right now," Zayn said as he crossed his arms and turned away from Liam.

"I'm glad you think you have a choice. I'll ask again, what the fuck was that?" Liam repeated.

"You just made a deal with my father," Zayn yelled back.

The same father that walked out on him and his mother when he was two.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Are you hard of hearing or something dude?"

Liam reached out and wrapped his hand around Zayn's throat, "would you like to repeat that?" Liam applied pressure as he glared at his submissive.

"Oh how ironic," Zayn said as he pulled Liam's hand off his throat.
"But realistically no, I do not want to repeat myself. I said what I said."

"Get out of the car."


"Get out of the fucking car Zayn," Liam repeated slowly.

Confused Zayn exited the car, Liam following after him.

"Bend over," Liam ordered as he pointed to the hood.

Zayn cautiously looked around them and saw that people were exiting the building they were previously in.


"Don't make me ask you again."

Safeword if it becomes to much, Zayn thought to himself as he hesitantly bent over the hood of the vehicle.
Zayn grimaced as his dominant was spanking him. He made the mistake of looking up and seeing that they had an audience, gawking at them. Zayn immediately hid his face in his arm, feeling it get warm from embarrassment.

"Are you done being a brat?" Liam asked as he continued the spanking.

"Yes sir," Zayn whispered just loud enough for Liam to hear.

"Good, get your ass back in the car." Liam landed one last spank before allowing Zayn to stand up straight and get into the vehicle. Liam got in on the drivers side, revving the engine before peeling out of the parking spot.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" Liam questioned as he sped home.

"That you're fucking mean," Zayn pouted as he crossed his arms.

"And you are a brat. Next?"

"I don't like you right now. I don't want to talk."

"We will need to talk Zayn. Specifically about what just occurred and we need to talk about your father," Liam explained as he pulled into his driveway. Speeding makes the ride go quicker.

"No. You are mean. I want to be alone."

"Not happening baby."

"Ugh, fuck off." Zayn got out of the car, slamming the door, before walking inside.

Didn't we just go through this the other day. Liam thought to himself as he got out of his car, locking it, and going inside. He walked into the living room to see Zayn kneeling on the floor next to the couch.

"I'm annoyed daddy. I don't know how to feel about what you did. As for my father, he walked out on my mom and I when I was two like I said. Obviously I never knew he was apart of a gang, I never even knew him." Zayn started speaking when he heard the door close, knowing the only person who could've entered was his daddy.

"Why are you annoyed?"

"I don't know I just am."

"Okay baby. Why don't we take a step back. I'm going to run you a hot bath and then we can talk, understood?"

"Okay daddy." Zayn looked up as he saw, from the corner of his eye, his daddy extend his hand out towards him.
Zayn grabbed it and was led upstairs to the master bathroom.

Liam got the bath filling as Zayn sat down on the counter.

"I kinda liked it daddy," Zayn said as he took his shirt off.

"Like what princess?"

"You punishing me in public. It was embarrassing yes, but it was thrilling." Down came his pants and panties.

"Oh really baby?"

"Yes." Off came his socks. He gave his daddy a kiss before getting into the awaiting bath.
Liam followed shortly behind him, after getting undressed.

"You simply amaze me babydoll," Liam said as he kissed the side of Zayn's neck.

Zayn turned so he was facing his daddy, "what's going to happen now? Are you still going to do the deal with him?"

"I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do. I'll have to talk with the other guys. How about you and Louis have a day together here, while Harry, Niall, and I deal with this," Liam suggested.

"Okay. I haven't hung out with Louis in awhile anyways," Zayn said as he turned back around so his back was against his daddy's front. "So much for talking about this later, eh," Zayn laughed.

"You initiated the conversation baby I just followed your lead."

The two of them continued their bath. When they were done Zayn suggested cuddling in bed, knowing full well he was going to pass out, and his daddy agreed.


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