Chapter Twenty-Two

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Liam was standing over Zayn's dad, glaring at him. Two of his men were standing behind Mr. Malik, to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Harry and Niall were tending to Zayn's injuries. The submissive complaining that everything they were doing to him hurt. Luckily the shot to his shoulder was just a graze wound. His lower leg on the other hand was a through and through wound.

"I swear I'm going to kick your ass when I can properly stand," Zayn threatened towards his father.

"I'm not the one that shot ya bud," Mr. Malik said as he turned to look at his son.

"Fuck you."

"Y'know, I had zero intentions to do anything nefarious."

"My face and kicked in door says otherwise," Liam laughed.
"Zayn being shot, and us being taken says otherwise."

"None of that was my idea. Hell I didn't even know that's what he was going to do."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Who is he? Last checked you were in charge on your side?" Liam hammered out questions. Ignoring the squeals of pain from his submissive who was being stitched up.

"How do you think I know about my son? Who do you think told me who he was with? Why do you think I proposed you to go to the event a few months back?" Questions were thrown back at Liam.

Liam stood back for a second before realization crossed his face.
"You're lying."

Mr. Malik gave Liam a look that said are you fucking dumb before speaking, "now why in the entire fuck would I lie? Newsflash kid, he is working for me. And you just let him in because he's fucking one of your men without ever questioning him."

Harry and Niall's head both snapped up at that last statement.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Harry stormed over, practically pushing his boss out of the way.

"Did I stutter? You know damn well you heard me loud and clear."

Harry threw a punch square at Mr. Malik's face. Smirking at the crunch of his nose breaking. Harry went to punch him again but was stopped by his boss.

"He's right Harry. Just think about it, it all makes sense," Liam said as he let go of Harry's arm.

"Who are we talking about?" Zayn whispered to Niall.

"You really can't be that dumb Zayn. We are talking about your best friend. Mister Louis Tomlinson," Mr. Malik confirmed.
"Speaking of which where is he? Why isn't he with you Harry?"

"He said that he had an errand to run," Harry said while looking at the floor. He was slowly putting the pieces together.

"Well hi, his errand is standing next to you."

"Did you teach him how to shoot? His shot is lousy."

"Zayn, shut up," Niall said as he finished patching him up.

"Suck my dick."

"Whip it out baby, I'm already on my knees for you," Niall laughed.

"Don't you dare Zayn," Liam growled out as he saw Zayn moving his hands to the sweats he was wearing.

"It was just a joke. Laugh a little."

"Not the time to be making a joke Zayn."

"You can suck my dick too."

"Excuse me for a minute," Liam said as he walked over to Zayn.

Liam watched Zayn's face as he lost the smirk he was wearing.
"Would you like to repeat what you said?" Liam asked as he grasped Zayn's chin in his hand.

Zayn shook his head no, well the best that he could.

"Verbal answer."

"No sir."

"Good boy." Liam looked over to see that Zayn's father was staring at them. He leant down to give his submissive a kiss before straightening back up and letting go of his chin.
He turned back around when he heard Harry ask a question.
"If he is one of your men. Why is he buying from us?"

"Smart question. I was waiting for somebody to make that connection. That also brings me to why I accepted Liam's offer to sell to him. I want to merge together. There is no reason for us to not, truthfully."

"Why do you, a old ass man, want to merge our gangs together?" Liam questioned, paying attention fully now.

"I knew your father."

"Many people did, you aren't special."

"We were going to merge together before he was killed. But you took over and I decided I'd back off for the time being."

"I doubt that. He would've told me."

"He knew you would've been against it."

"Well he wasn't wrong." Liam rolled his eyes.

"I also know who killed him."


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